Big Brother 9

Zen 2nd said:
I thought most people just watch this to see if any of the women get naked?

Moot point, seeing as how most people have the net.

The people who watch this are the same kind who drool like drunk chimps when someone asks them a question.
Kurogane said:
Zen 2nd said:
I thought most people just watch this to see if any of the women get naked?

Moot point, seeing as how most people have the net.

The people who watch this are the same kind who drool like drunk chimps when someone asks them a question.

*once again looks at thread creator* :p :lol:
Aw, Tachi- and Kurogane, I really am flattered by the seemingly obsessive attitude you have towards me and the constant references to me. Honestly, it's sweet. And also, kind of sad. But I expect that from you both. But, I must remind you two that this is in fact not a thread to discuss me, but to discuss Big Brother. How many more of those weak one-liners that you've obviously stolen are you going to pop out, Kurogane, before you realise that (once again) no one except Tachi is listening? It's kind of charming really, but unfortunately for you, it's just not relevant. And Tachi, I look forward to you quoting everyone else and saying yes "I agree lol" (it's not like you post any other kind of comments ;]) throughout this thread.

So, back to Big Brother.

a) Is anyone actually watching it?

b) That blind guy is a little creepy, right?

c) The wedding is tonight! Yay!
A) No

B) Don't be offensive he is blind.

C) FAKE Wedding

oh and D) I have to put up with this with however its on for as my mum and brother watch it and in seperate rooms so it's everywhere.
eggybob said:
A) No

B) Don't be offensive he is blind.

C) FAKE Wedding

oh and D) I have to put up with this with however its on for as my mum and brother watch it and in seperate rooms so it's everywhere.

Im sure CG didnt mean he was creepy because he's blind. Last time i checked people can be creepy for reasons other than disability. Im creepy as hell and i havent got a single thing wrong with me.

On topic, nope aint watched any of it. No doubt it will start filtering through to the press soon enough though!
The blind guy is alright, he's quite interesting and causes some drama, but sometimes he's just annoying as hell. I'm watching it right now, my mum has it on, which is why I'm watching it. It's pretty entertaining since the people in it aren't all boring losers, though some of them are obvious camera whores.
CitizenGeek said:
Aw, Tachi- and Kurogane, I really am flattered by the seemingly obsessive attitude you have towards me and constantly making references to me. Honestly, it's sweet. And also, kind of sad. But I expect that from you both. But, I must remind you two that this is in fact not a thread to discuss me, but to discuss Big Brother. How many more of those weak one-liners that you've obviously stolen are you going to pop out, Kurogane, before you realise that (once again) except Tachi is listening? It's kind of charming really, but unforetunately for you, it's just not relevant. And Tachi, I look forward to you quoting everyone else and yes "I agree lol" (it's not like you post any other kind of comments ;]) throughout this thread.

So, back to Big Brother.

a) Is anyone actually watching it?

b) That blind guy is a little creepy, right?

c) The wedding is tonight! Yay!

You are such a hypocrite it's actually funny.
"weak one-liners" then commenting on me agreeing with people? that in itself is pathetic,
And revoking back to your comment about me not being able to spell;
"Kurogane, before you realise that (once again) except Tachi is listening?" erm you may want to proof read before you post in future. :wink:

Also i'm loving the sarcasm that you start off with, its very touching....shows that although you lack the capacity for a large amount, you still have a low form of wit :wink:.

Like i've stated before, if you start on spyro then i'll get involved. You just decided to ignore that advice. Furthermore i had been agreeing with somebody that does not mean that i have said it so therefore I have not directly insulted you.

And to say "I must remind you two that this is in fact not a thread to discuss me,"
You really fooled me :eek: your so self centred its almost pitiful to watch.

So i guess thats fair. You had a direct rant at me and i in turn have returned the favour with gratitude :) So how's about growing up and acting more like a young adult rather than a infant with a tantrum?
Don't say anything insulting about me and you won't expect any insults returned okay?
******* Hell people, Shut the hell up!. Why do you lot need to actually call someone "retarded" which in itself is a very offensive term. People like Big Brother, people like pr0nz, others don't. One of the classic lines could be put in, "If you don't have anything nice to say, Don't say it at all". It really seems like you've chose your ground, and want some sparks to fly and also, you seem to care a awful lot more than anyone else about whatever CG says, hence the fact its only a few of you going "at-it". Still, I sided with CitizenGeek on these debates, long ago.

Most people have intervened at this point as "back-seat moderators", and I just wanted to get my side across, as well. I've made a few posts, and then deleted them before which just shows how petty I think the whole thing is.

I've talked to a lot/few of you, outside the forums and you seem to be genuinely 'ite people but, still.. err... yeah. I have no idea where this post is going, I'm struggling to type it.

To conclude, Tachi- Your asking for a fight for no particular reason, at all. You comment about grammar when the presentation and legiblity of what you type isn't exactly Shakespeare. So just leave it, honestly.

Gah, I hate this post. Sorry, Its a utter mess. ;/ After AUKN's drought of spam and the clean-up, and the time when nothing was really happening. Something finally happens and we want it to end. Complex individuals, we are.

..To be on topic, though. I finally got around to watching some genuine Big Brother tonight, I caught the wedding ceremony and to be honest, I didn't like it. I knew about the people before hand but I still haven't taken to this series yet. It doesn't seem as appealing. Especially, since I've tried to watch BBLB but it has a couple of really annoying hosts, one being a girl who can't speak properly and is the idiotic type of girl whom I try to keep away from which makes me turn it over, instantly.
Jayme said:
******* Hell people, Shut the hell up!. Why do you lot need to actually call someone "retarded" which in itself is a very offensive term. People like Big Brother, people like pr0nz, others don't. One of the classic lines could be put in, "If you don't have anything nice to say, Don't say it at all". It really seems like you've chose your ground, and want some sparks to fly and also, you seem to care a awful lot more than anyone else about whatever CG says, hence the fact its only a few of you going "at-it". Still, I sided with CitizenGeek on these debates, long ago.

Most people have intervened at this point as "back-seat moderators", and I just wanted to get my side across, as well. I've made a few posts, and then deleted them before which just shows how petty I think the whole thing is.

I've talked to a lot/few of you, outside the forums and you seem to be genuinely 'ite people but, still.. err... yeah. I have no idea where this post is going, I'm struggling to type it.

To conclude, Tachi- Your asking for a fite for no particular reason, at all. lol. :p:D :p :eek:You comment about grammar! when the presnttision of what you tpye isn't zacltly Shakespeare. So just leave it, honestly.

Gah, I hate this post. Sorry. After AUKN's drought of spam and the clean-up, and the time when nothing was really happening. Something finally happens and we want it to end.

..To be on topic, though. I finally got around to watching some genuine Big Brother tonight, I caught the wedding ceremony and to be honest, I didn't like it. I knew about the people before hand but I still haven't taken to this series yet. It doesn't seem as appealing. Especially, since I've tried to watch BBLB but it has a couple of really annoying hosts, one being a girl who can't speak properly and is the idiotic type of girl whom I try to keep away from which makes me turn it over, instantly.

i was merely trying to say that CG should'nt of started of spyro, there simply was no need. so gave him some of his own medicine. the point about the spelling was what CG himself brought up. so was just saying that he's not perfect either.

nope this (unlike kurogane i dont really care abought CG's sexuality) isn't trying to start a fight, like i said, i was just showing CG that by having some of his own medicine that its not fair to start on others without reason. and to spell it out clearly so nobody gets it wrong......this is it, clean slate. i dont have a reason to be uncivil so i wont be. so long as everybody treats eachother with respect then i wont have reason to say anything like that again.
You don't need to fuel the fire. This is the internet, why let CG, someone you don't know and will probably never meet get to you? It's better to just walk away (or in this case not respond) in a way that'll just keep making matters worse, most likely for yourself.
ryuzaki said:
This is the internet
So no one is going to walk away if they get the opportunity to make their e-penis grow. Anyway CitizenGeek can argue with people if he wants, as long as it doesn't break out into flaming or trolling like normal forum rules suggest, plus it's funny and he's not a fag-- a pussy about it and doesn't hold back.
Okay, so I'm really, really sick of Tachi- overreacting to everything I say. So I'm just going to say this to you: This is not a kindergarten playground. And that's probably not going to change no matter how much you and Kurogane continue to treat it that way. It's a forum. So, there's really no need to put on some silly macho show and try to "defend" Spyro201, Tachi- and also, you can stop pretending you've gotten some kind of one up on me when you've clearly just posted a lot of barely coherent vitriol.

Kurogane, your obsession with my sexual orientation is equally childish. I'd advise you to grow up, but you're beyond that at this stage. And so, I am finished with you both. I will, from this point forward, be totally ignoring Tachi- and Kurogane, mainly because you are both incredibly boring and only interested in silly schoolyard fights. But, also, because our exchanges seem to be annoying everyone else. So it's better this way ;]

Liquid Skin said:
Im sure CG didnt mean he was creepy because he's blind. Last time i checked people can be creepy for reasons other than disability.

Yeah, I didn't mean that he was creepy because he's blind, he's creepy because he tried on Sylivia's underwear and refused to apologise when she told him she was offended. Also, he seems to shout an awful lot :s

I'm sad they failed the wedding task :/ I don't want any of those 4 to go, but I do hope it's Luke! Any predictions for who's going on Friday?

Jayme said:
Especially, since I've tried to watch BBLB but it has a couple of really annoying hosts, one being a girl who can't speak properly and is the idiotic type of girl whom I try to keep away from which makes me turn it over, instantly.

Yeah, she is annoying. She has an awesome name, though: Zezi Ifore (pronounced Zay-zay Ah-for-aee). Awesome :]

Could sit here all day and argue with you, but to be honest...i have better things to do. I'll let it be openly known that i sent both Arablast and CG a pm apologising and explaining myself. arablast understood. you obviously didn't CG.
Nope, just want to say that i never thought i "had one over on you"

I will be deleting my previous posts as i explained before. mainly because i've tried to be the bigger man and make things right. you chose to be childish and carry on bitching, well, your loss.

Enjoy your evening CG
Watching BB9 right now and the albino guy seems to talk about nothing other than the fact that he's an African albino and everything that entails. Sure, it's interesting but it's kind of losing steam now.

I love the Thai girl, too. It's awesome whenever she screams "HUH-RAYR-EE-USS!" :]
Awwww. I hate the show. The ONLY reality TV Show I can watch is Im A Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here. Big Brother just annoys me, I tried it once, and found it, Very, Very, boring.

Ah well.
Oooh, that Alexandra is a total bitch :/

Spyro201 said:
Awwww. I hate the show. The ONLY reality TV Show I can watch is Im A Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here. Big Brother just annoys me, I tried it once, and found it, Very, Very, boring.

That's actually the response I hear from most people! They all say that BB is bad, but I'm a Celebrity is good. Is it just because there's more humour in Celebrity or something?
CitizenGeek said:
That's actually the response I hear from most people! They all say that BB is bad, but I'm a Celebrity is good. Is it just because there's more humour in Celebrity or something?
It has Ant & Dec in, and even if people deny it - That is the only reason they watch it. The show itself, its stupidly boring. Its edited and narrated by them so it is entertaining. I think it also has to do with the fact that it is waaaay shorter than the epic that is Big Brother.

BB is good, Its fairly worn and if you take to the people, Its good. This year, I think I'm sadly going to be giving it a miss. ;/ I can't say any of them have really interested me. The problem with missing it is that, You can't get jokes that reference it on like.. The Friday/Sunday Night Project or whatever. ;p

(hopes that the massively long and incoherent post disappears with this post)

EDIT: Damn.