

School Idol
Currently buying manga in bundles to get them cheaper in the buy so many get it cheaper deals, so far buying Hellsing (its great ;) ) and chobits. But the way I'm going I'm going to come out with two extra copies of manga, was wondering what to spend it on. I am hugely influenced from the anime I've watched (thats why I got what I got now) and was thinking trigun and berserk from where the anime left off.
I'm pretty clueless otherwise on a good manga, I've seen battle vixens floating around and even tenjo tenge looks promising (a little too much fan service for my liking though).
I'm interested mainly in seinen (is that how you spell it?), mature, horror.etc Comedy is a big plus too, but was wondering what you guys thought, I'm biased towards Bersker atm as it was such a good anime, but first I need to find where the anime left the manga.

Note: I think some websites have got a screw loose, what they put in mature sections I'd consider putting in 12+.etc Its really confusing at times :(
Tigun rocks, not only was it my first anime but also my first manga and then my first complete figure set.

So I guess I'd say go with Trigun as I've never read Berserk
Go with Berserk. Trigun is goos but it is lacking an incredible storyline! Berserk is one of the best manga's out there and doesn't get the credit it richly deserves.
Ahhh, both ends of the spectum :s
The anime only "accurately" portrayed volumes five through eight of the manga.
Guess if I want to go Berserk then Its best to start from scratch and read everything, read that only 13 volumes out of 30-ish are out in english :(
Berserk is a good manga series..i've only got the first 2 or 3 of them but i'm liking them a lot. i would recommend it but as for trigun i can't say seeing as i have never read the manga