Battle Royale 3D

Genkina Hito

Talk about band-wagon jumping...

Japanese studio Toei is preparing a 3D version of Kinji Fukasaku’s cult action thriller Battle Royale...

The late Kinji Fukasaku’s son, Kenta Fukasaku (Battle Royale 2), is supervising the 2D to 3D conversion in Tokyo through this production company Fukasaku-Gumi...

The 3D version of the original will be ready for market screenings in October and released in Japan on November 20. Like the original, the 3D version will have an R-15 rating in Japan.

Source: ... 86.article

Battle Royale will be helped out by 3D due to all of the pointy blade but the 3D just reminds me that this is a trend designed to milk money, a feeling reinforced by the fact that it is retrofitted which just smacks of cynicism.

Maybe this one scene might work, pointy knives works well in 3D :eek: ... and it might feel all the more painful :eek: .

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This is a great film, but let's face it 3D isn't gonna add a thing to this movie. It looks quite dated already too so I can't imagine the effect ending up being any good.
I have doubts Japan's film industry is advanced and wealthy enough to make a good job of this. I didn't see it but Clash of the Titans springs to mind.

3D films have gone ott lately. I'm all for films that were designed to be shown in 3D from the beginning, but converting a film that's been out for years into 3D for little to no reason is annoying
Will-O'-The-Wisp said:

3D films have gone ott lately. I'm all for films that were designed to be shown in 3D from the beginning, but converting a film that's been out for years into 3D for little to no reason is annoying

I dunno, I would be willing to see the Star Wars Saga (yes the whole saga :p) in 3d, but then SW is the kind of film that benefits from making the most of the medium. BR is hardly a film of epic proportions which has tons of special effects to use 3d on to emphasise. I don' see how 3d for relatively normal films makes sense. How would Citizen Kane be enhanced were it in 3d? or a rom com?
Soubi-Hurt said:
Why is everyone going nuts for 3D it dosen't make any film better.

I've not seen Battle Royale.

Nobody is going nuts for 3d except the film industry which is getting increasingly desperate in trying to find ways to get people back to the cinema.

Battle Royale is awesome though, check it out. In 2d.
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Kaede said:
Soubi-Hurt said:
Why is everyone going nuts for 3D it dosen't make any film better.

I've not seen Battle Royale.

Nobody is going nuts for 3d except the film industry which is getting increasingly desperate in trying to find ways to get people back to the cinema.

Battle Royale is awesome though, check it out. In 2d.

The film industry want 3D as it will make it harder for people to pirate their films.

Also they are trying to get people to buy new home entertainment systems as well (TVs, blu-ray players etc).

As for Battle Royale, I agree it is a very good film.
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Soubi-Hurt said:
Why don't we have better films and Cinemas rather than something useless.

There are plenty of cinemas and great films, just poor distribution and screening networks and zero audience which prevent the films and cinemas meeting. Is it any wonder if a mainstream chain screens Valentines Day on three screens and Wolfman on two etc when you look at the garbage in the charts? Consumers have put A Nightmare on Elm Street, The Back Up Plan et al in the top 10. The only films worth watching are How to Train Your Dragon and Four Lions.

If it wasn't for the UK Film Council we'd never get to see films like A Prophet, The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo and any anime and so forth. These guys are going through some tough changes so the future is in flux.

Otherwise you'll just have to find an art-house cinema that is willing to screen the foreign/low-budget content.
If it wasn't for the UK Film Council we'd never get to see films like A Prophet, The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo and any anime and so forth. These guys are going through some tough changes so the future is in flux.

My town has two cinemas. TWO and STILL I didn't get to see GWTDT =( I hope they'll rectify that when the sequels arrive...