Batman Dark Knight
Coming Soon Site and Additional Trailer Links
Christian Bale once again embodies the man behind the mask in "The Dark Knight." The film reunites Bale with director Christopher Nolan and takes Batman across the world in his quest to fight a growing criminal threat. With the help of Lieutenant Jim Gordon (Gary Oldman) and District Attorney Harvey Dent (Aaron Eckhart), Batman has been making headway against local crime...until a rising criminal mastermind known as The Joker (Heath Ledger) unleashes a fresh reign of chaos across Gotham City. To stop this devious new menace--Batman's most personal and vicious enemy yet--he will have to use every high-tech weapon in his arsenal and confront everything he believes.
My Opinion
To be honest I was quite dubious about the casting of Heath Ledger and felt he wouldn't do the character of Joker any Justice butI am very happy to be proven wrong, the trailer looks brilliant with Joker being portrayed as the true socio-psychopathic tendancies the comic books showed us allt hose years ago, much more true to form than Jack Nicholsons character (I am not knocking Nicholsons performance as he did a brilliant job).
Thoroughly looking forward to watching the new Joker rip apart Gotham City in a campaign of blood, violence and RPG blasts.
Also I am looking forward to seeing the new Bat Bike as it looks extremely hardcore in the trailer.
Coming Soon Site and Additional Trailer Links
Christian Bale once again embodies the man behind the mask in "The Dark Knight." The film reunites Bale with director Christopher Nolan and takes Batman across the world in his quest to fight a growing criminal threat. With the help of Lieutenant Jim Gordon (Gary Oldman) and District Attorney Harvey Dent (Aaron Eckhart), Batman has been making headway against local crime...until a rising criminal mastermind known as The Joker (Heath Ledger) unleashes a fresh reign of chaos across Gotham City. To stop this devious new menace--Batman's most personal and vicious enemy yet--he will have to use every high-tech weapon in his arsenal and confront everything he believes.
My Opinion
To be honest I was quite dubious about the casting of Heath Ledger and felt he wouldn't do the character of Joker any Justice butI am very happy to be proven wrong, the trailer looks brilliant with Joker being portrayed as the true socio-psychopathic tendancies the comic books showed us allt hose years ago, much more true to form than Jack Nicholsons character (I am not knocking Nicholsons performance as he did a brilliant job).
Thoroughly looking forward to watching the new Joker rip apart Gotham City in a campaign of blood, violence and RPG blasts.
Also I am looking forward to seeing the new Bat Bike as it looks extremely hardcore in the trailer.