

Ghost of Animes
I've been hearing a lot about Avatar lately and I was wondering what people thought of it? I've seen a few clips on You Tube and the animation \ story looks impressive, especially since it's an American cartoon. There is a clear anime influence but rather than simply ape the generic look, it looks like Avatar may have embraced the Eastern style of story telling too...

Check out these short clips to see what I mean:

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kCXnV9Ct ... ar%20clips

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b55eOHs- ... ar%20clips
only seen a few eps of it, but only cause i keep forgetting to watch it when it restarts,

it does look very good, one of the americanime (as i call them) shows a bit like teen titans

definatly worth a look at, may not be your cup of tea, but thats what makes us humans we're all unique :D
I've watched it a few times and quite liked it :3

one for the reasons i liked it was because of the large flying animal they have, reminded me of Falco form Neverending story ^_^
I've seen all the episode's up to now and I thought it was good but I wish they would bring some new out
I've seen every single episode so far thats aired in America (watch them on youtube) and love it!

I'd say it's defiantly worth watching if you don't mind anime influenced cartoons.

XxNeko-FeixX said:
I've watched it a few times and quite liked it :3

one for the reasons i liked it was because of the large flying animal they have, reminded me of Falco form Neverending story ^_^

Oh yeah it does :shock: Never thought about that before :D
I caught as many episodes as I could when it was on Toonatik (ITV1, Saturdays), but at that time Astro Boy was showing all the way through on the CBBC Channel so obviously that took priority.

As far as I'm aware the creators of the show put a lot of effort into capturing the style they wanted by visiting different places in Asia and learning about the culture and history etc. It shows in the series through the character designs, the movement and the story - which is a little more mature than children’s cartoons of this era, but still nowhere near an adult animation or anime level.

Some episodes include moments that are reminiscent of anime such as Naruto and EVA, but I'd say that the series holds more in common with Studio Ghibli due to its child-friendly spirits, monsters and animals.

It’s worth a look if you can find it. I’m just waiting for it to get repeated or come out cheaply on DVD, whichever comes first.
Yeah i've watched all the episodes that have been shown on British tv so far, i'm usually pretty prejudice about american cartoons so i was reluctant to get into it at first but i really love it, certainly my favourite western cartoon of recent years.
It doesn't fall into the generic formula of other western animations, it really has a anime tone, though it doesn't seem to be copying any anime already out there.
I can't wait for new episodes, until then, thinking of downloading a few, and i'm really happy about it coming out on dvd even if we already have it all taped :).
My favourite character is Zuko, i mean who else would it be ;)
Yeah I've been watching the new one's (on youtube) there great but I still would like to see them on T.V soon

I'll get the dvd's I think it's a great series
I quite liked it. They suddenly stopped showing it on CITV, no mention if the series ended or would be continued, it just wasn't shown again. Any ideas if it will be shown again?
I don't think it's a particularly good series. But I must say, I'm puzzled at the amount of "OMG anime wannabee! SUX0RZ" flack it's getting at other anime forums.
I think it's the shock that it isn't only Japanese people who can make cartoons in that style. It's like berating white people for playing blues music.
cornixt said:
I quite liked it. They suddenly stopped showing it on CITV, no mention if the series ended or would be continued, it just wasn't shown again. Any ideas if it will be shown again?
I think they stopped showing it on CITV at the same point they stopped showing it on Nickelodeon, which according to the airing dates on tv.com seems to be the same place they randomly had a break in America. So it seems they are just following the trend of randomly ending the series 7 episodes short, lol.
Though i hope that also means we will be seeing some more soon :)
I usually catch it now and again on Nick and it's ok. It's nothing spectacular or anything, it's just good.

I know this is an old topic but i just thought id let the Avatar fans out there know that Season 3 has started. Up to about episode 9 at this point in time and its the final chapter (aparently).
Avatar weren't bad. Quite decent for an american cartoon. I just hate the people who say Avatar is anime. As for the Cartoon itself it had a good story line, good character development and good line of characters.
I love avatar, i think its an awesome series. When i first started watching it i did think it was an anime :p that was back when i was a n00b >.<
The whole cartoon itself is amazing, love every part of it. Story is getting intense! sad that this is the last book tho... :(
Taylor said:

I know this is an old topic but i just thought id let the Avatar fans out there know that Season 3 has started. Up to about episode 9 at this point in time and its the final chapter (aparently).

From what I heard, there's supposedly 4 seasons(Like the four elements), and I was watching season 3 last week and surprising to know, we're quite afew episodes infront of America.

By the looks of it, they're showing the new episodes at 4P.M. every Saturday, now.