Australian outrage at violent Naruto action figures


Ghost of Animes
<a href=",22049,22334896-5001021,00.html">According to a report in the Australian Daily Telegraph,</a> a number of worried social groups have raised moral concerns over a line of <em>Naruto </em>toy dolls that could well be teaching their innocent children "dangerous" lessons. The action figures in question wield little plastic knives and imitate punching and stabbing motions.

A founding member of the Australian Survivors Association goes so far as to say that "there's a link between playing with these toys and violent behavior later... It doesn't happen to everyone but it can have an effect on people with problems... If they play with toy weapons does it make them more comfortable with real weapons later? At some stage there's an imprint left on them."

Having had the toy figures approved by government officials, Mattel (the manufacturers) claim that the responsibility for any concerns about <em>Naruto </em>should be shouldered by the parents buying their kids these toys in the first place.
Some people complain about some pretty stupid stuff. If they think it will have a negative imprint on there child theres an easy solution, just dont buy them the toy. I would understand if the action figures could rip each others heads off but they dont do anything like that so they should realy just get a grip.
This one one of the reasons the show is made of a teenage audience rather then a 8 year old audience.

And these 'groups' seems to never be happy. They would rather live in a isolated society where there is no contact from the outside world.

Lastly. Why are they bothering with plastic kunai's are punches when Action Men go around with AK-47's and stuff. Pathetic.
Good point, Action Man, Barbie theres so many toys that are worse or just as bad. For God's sake EVERY toy has some sort of "action move". Its pathetic how everything is checked, double checked and then complained at today.

Society sucks :(
A toy that acts out stabbing and slashing...
I thought this was funny. Well if whoever think there is a problem you do not have to by the toy. The are worse toys than this. Look at Brats dolls they look like a bunch of tarts.
It's like they never had Masters of the Universe, Power Rangers, GI Joe, Thundercats or Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles over there. Naruto isn't exactly the first kids show made which has weapons in it.

The show continually highlights the fact that injury can be made with these things which I feel is a more responsible approach than simply waving them around at random like in many other of the aforementioned shows.

Also if kids are taught to discern between reality and fiction, or just a decent sense of morality, then this shoudn't even be an issue. :roll:
What part of the words 'ACTION figure' don't people understand? Ah well, if we don't wish to further corrode childhood morality we better grab them action figures and get them all playing manhunt :lol:
Don't forget what happened to one of their beloved celebs thanks to a 'toy'.

Maybe it's just fear of something similar happening to their little kiddy winks. :p

( Yes that was me trying to be witty. OK maybe that was in bad taste, I'll get me coat... )
i think the people who said that are parents and they just want to pass the blame on to toys, so people don't realise it may have been their bad parenting that is the cause of the violent behavior
Rameez16 said:
i think the people who said that are parents and they just want to pass the blame on to toys, so people don't realise it may have been their bad parenting that is the cause of the violent behavior

At the end of the day, I think parenting contributes a little more to how you grow up than an action figure :lol:

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