L Lupus Baka Ranger 13 July 2006 #1 Bad Girls>>>You. That is all. Discuss. [The new series.] If anyone actually watches it. ;[
N neptune2venus Hunter 15 July 2006 #2 Bad Girls is the best British TV drama evar. Hilariously over the top dramatics with current issues - it makes me laugh everytime. Best bit in the first episode of the new series: Natalie calling the Muslim convert 'Osama' and even how obvious it was and all prison officers running out incase they got poisoned. Bodybag FTW! Roll on episode 2! ________ Weed Last edited by a moderator: 7 August 2016
Bad Girls is the best British TV drama evar. Hilariously over the top dramatics with current issues - it makes me laugh everytime. Best bit in the first episode of the new series: Natalie calling the Muslim convert 'Osama' and even how obvious it was and all prison officers running out incase they got poisoned. Bodybag FTW! Roll on episode 2! ________ Weed