ATTENTION All Lucky Star fans! Your help is urgently needed!


In Japan right now they are holding a tournament to see who the most moe character is and it's now down to the top 8 and 2 of my top picks have made it but now they are in serious trouble. The problem is several groups have openly expressed their utter hatred of these 2 characters just because they are from Kyoto Animation and have sworn not to allow them to go any further just because of that reason. I'm here to enlist the help of the Hentai Palm members to offer help to these two characters to keep them from falling.

Konata Izumi and Tsukasa Hiiragi both from the anime series Lucky Star have clawed there way to the Elite 8 (especially Tsukasa) and are in need of help. Mostly Tsukasa needs the help the most because she managed to upset last year's champion and as such hate groups of Lucky Star are now targeting her in full force. I am here to get help for her and Konata to keep them from unfairly being taken out just for reasons of hate. Please help Tsukasa and Konata win their next few matches.

If you are willing to help, here are the instructions to vote.

1st off you need to goto this web site to get your code: there will be a small link at the top of the page that you will need to click to get the the code generation page:

Here is a pic to follow if you can find it:

After you click on the link and get to the code generation page you need to wait 2 hours and then hit refresh before you'll receive your code. DO NOT close out of the page before the 2 hours is up otherwise you'll have to start all over again. The code will look similar to this: Note this is only a sample: [[AT0723-A5wcfBQn-PL]]

After you get your code you need to get to the latest voting thread where the voting is happening. You can find it here:
Now it looks confusing but the latest round will more than likely be the 1st link at the top of the page. (If you your still having trouble finding it just ask here and I'll give you a direct link)

Click on the link and it will take you to the latest voting thread. Scroll down to the bottom of the page and place your code and the Japanese kanjied name of your character into the response box at the bottom of the page.
Like this:

After that just simply press the respond button above the box and you're done! Some of you may get directed to another confirmation page, all you need to do is just click the 2nd confirmation button and it'll go through.

Remember the name MUST be in Kanji and must have <<>> on the ends to be counted.

The names are:
<<27849>>(Izumi Konata@Lucky Star)
<<26570>>(Hiiragi Tsukasa@Lucky Star)

Konata's match is on the 27th and Tsukasa's is on the 29th. At that Time i will announce that the voting has started.

So please help. Thank you for reading. And i hope many of you can help.

Due to the delay in getting my confirmation e-mail I wasn’t about to get this posted in time to save Konata from Defeat. but we can STILL support Tsukasa on Sunday! get the word out and let’s rally as many people as we can to help Tsukasa win it all!
This isn't a "spam thing". It may be copied from somewhere, but I know for a fact that this is a legit thing. It's being talked about in all the fansub IRC channels. I personally can't be bothered to do it, but I'm interested in seeing who wins.
Hmm. . .KyoAni FTW I guess. I really can't be asked to do all that work just to put in my vote,
Since when did ONE vote make a difference.
Jayme said:
Hmm. . .KyoAni FTW I guess. I really can't be asked to do all that work just to put in my vote,
Since when did ONE vote make a difference.

Maybe not one vote. But if a group of people say 'Since when did ONE vote make a difference.' then thats a whole group of votes that would make a difference :p
If you can understand what i just said...?
CitizenGeek said:
Maxon said:
Moe tournaments...

Sign of the times.

Indeed :/
Someone agrees with me? Yay! :p

I'm all for having polls and whatnot, but having stuff like this is OTT.

Actually, I think I've heard of this tournament before, judging by the stupidly long time to wait and the stupid way of voting.