Ask our reporter in Japan!

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Anonymous said:
The pronounciation af Japanese names in annoying though as they usually change them to a more western accent
The sound the same to me (in both languages)
Chris said:
The pronounciation af Japanese names in annoying though as they usually change them to a more western accent.
Would/do you find the mispronunciation of Western names in Japanese (such as "Tina Foster" in Ai Yori Aoshi) as annoying, and if not, why not?

I think there's a limit to how accurately you can pronounce a name in your own natural (or a character's) accent, without swapping to a Japanese accent for that particular word. That would probably sound even more ridiculous.
Would/do you find the mispronunciation of Western names in Japanese (such as "Tina Foster" in Ai Yori Aoshi) as annoying, and if not, why not?

I think there's a limit to how accurately you can pronounce a name in your own natural (or a character's) accent, without swapping to a Japanese accent for that particular word. That would probably sound even more ridiculous.

Yes I do find the mispronounciation of western names annoying. But, given that Japanese has around HALF the phonics as the English language does it is easier to understand. This is one of the main reasons for the level of English, especially spoken English, is so low in Japan.
I don't think it would sound ridiculous, I think it would sound a lot better being accurate.
Hi. I'm new to anime. I just saw Hellsing and it was awesome!!! What's the word on a sequel to HELLSING? The only rumors I get is that Hirano wants to finish the Mangas first, but no one seems to know how many he's going to write. Have you heard ANYTHING???
Thanks for your time.
Anonymous said:
Yes, they really are that noisy! They sound like a dieing evil robot laughing.

The pronounciation af Japanese names in annoying though as they usually change them to a more western accent.

Thankyou for the response on Cicadas :D I'd love to hear them in real life, they are a very fascinating creature :shock:

I hate the western pronounciation of Japanese names, although I think it's mostly because of the American accents.

I have an 18 month old daughter that I named Sakura and automatically everyone says it the western way (image of nasty Cardcaptors dub and you'll know what I mean) so I am forever correcting them :(
I have learned in my futile attempts at understanding the Japanese language that there is only one way to pronounce each vowel, so that helps!!

(And before anyone asks, no she wasn't named after any particular anime character, I just think it's a beautiful name. Her second named is Natsu, the 2 names together mean Cherry Blossom born in summer and as she was born in August and cherry blossoms are gone in the spring, it seemed a very apt name and took me ages to decide on :D ).
I'd like to ask another question please.

I get confused with school years in Japan.

I think the new year starts in spring? but when an anime character says they're in Year 1 Class D for example, here they would be 12ish but I get the impression they're at least 14? So please could you clarify school years for me. Thankyou :D
What is it like to teach there? After graduating was considering doing a TEFL (Teaching eniglish as a forgein language) course and heading over there for a year and doing that. However someone said that in Japan they take it all a little more serieously. IE threats, bribes, suicides are much more common , and generally it isn't a pleasent working enviroment.
Since other thinsg came up didn't invesigate it much more, but now that l'm back looking for work, the idea has appeal again.

DDP (Drunk Dysilex post), forgive the spellling
Nursery is not compulsery in Japan, however, many do join.
Primary school is from 6 to 12 years old, secondary from 12 to 15 and Highschool 15 to 18.
The school year starts in April.

I haven't done teaching for YEARS. When I first came it was all I could find. I do translation now though which is more demanding and a LOT more interesting!
If you want easy money I'd recomend teaching- you just have to be a native English speaker and thats about it. But, it is insepidly BORING and you don't have to use your brain hardly at all, especially in adult classes where most of them just want to chat about what the've been doing all week.
If you work for a big company expect to have almost NO freedom or rights. For example they give you paid holidays then when you ask to take them you are told that you can't because there's no-one to cover for you. Also you're constantly harrassed and if you're not getting enough new students joining your classes they give you a bollocking. Oh, and you're forced to degrade yourself into doing songs and dances and pathetic "situations" with children while using phrases that you've never used even ONCE in your life while telling parents that this is "real English".
Some of the kids you are made to teach are right little runts (substitute the r for c if you want to on that one).
You're not allowed to use Japanese in the lessons either, but are supposed to get them to understand you, when you have NO IDEA, they tell you to use gestures- ??? For example, in one lesson I had to do I had to ask some 15 year olds "what is the thing you look for most in finding a new friend- put these into the order that is most important first.
1. is funny
2. has money
3. has good clothes
4. similar interests
5. (don't remember)
6. (don't remember)"
How are you supposed to teach THAT to kids who have NO IDEA what you're talking about, with bloody gestures!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?

So I didn't bother teaching properly and just messed around doing crappy games. Thats probably why they didn't renew my contract and why I didn't give a toss when they told me that.
The money is VERY good though, around 250000 a month (1200 pounds?) and at the company I worked at, for the first 2 months I hardly had any work- just 1 hour a week- but I still got paid the same :lol: So it worked out at 300 pounds an hour! My work schedule increased though, but never over 30 hours a week.

If you want to know more, I can give you some more information. I know a few private schools who might be looking for teachers also. I would suggest somewhere in or around Tokyo (Tokyo, south Saitama, Chiba, Yokohama/Kanagawa) as other big cities like Osaka and Nagoya are crap, and Kyoto has nothing but temples and shrines- a day trip is enough since they all look the same anyway.

The new season of Samurai Champloo started last week(?) and it's GREAT!!!

Anyway, I better get going. Sorry for the rant about teaching :oops:
That was very informative, thankyou. I enjoyed your rant, fascinating :lol: (esp. the letter replacement section :twisted: ).

You are very kind to take time to answer these questions and so much of my confusion is sorted now - ta muchly :D
Anonymous wrote:

"Takeshi's castle" is a LONG dead show. He is still on TV quite a lot though, and still making rather crap movies (i.e. Zatoichi, Brother, etc...)

Boo! I loved Zatoichi and Violent Cop. His minimalistic super-depressing style is a reshing change from Hollywood pap. Although Hana-bi won lots of fancy awards but I wasn't so keen.

I totally agree, Brother was good aswell.
Almost all of Takeshi'smovies hardly do well in Japan. Brother was a flop, as was Zatoichi. The original Zatoichi was amazing, I highly recomend you seeing it :)
I have a question (more about the country's wildlife).

Is it true that the Japanese Hornet Wasp is a very scary beast? I mean, I've seen the S.O.B's on TV and they seem to have the ability to bite, sting (a nasty sting) and shoot some chemical that can blind someone.

When they enter a residence household, is a state of emergency declared?

Thought I'd ask that. I love knowing about exotic creepy crawlies and along side the Giant Centipede, the Japanese Hornet Wasp is one of my favourites (in a fearful kind of way).

Thanks. :D

P.S. And was the Gregory Horror Show series as bad as I've been told?

P.S.S. Is it true that mechs are piloted by school pupils? I mean, they do in a lot of anime so I'm assuming its the case in real life. Don't disappoint me here. :wink: :D :D :D :D Poor attempt at being funny. Its a knack I have.
I have not five, but one question:

What do you think of the very popular mech series FAFNER and the new video-game based series Air. Both are meant to be excellent.

Hornet Wasps:
We had them in our house a few years ago. They really are scary- they're so bloody BIG!!! We had a nest out on one of our balconies. One day I bought this cool looking incecticide- it's like a bazooka (really, I'm not kidding :shock: ) and blasted the nest. Later that night, I still don't know how but, there were 2 of them in our bedroom :| They were a bit pissed-off (well, I HAD just melted their home and gassed their babies) and after a bit of Bennie Hill-esque running around I managed to get some incecticide and kill them one at a time, they take ages to die :evil: Although thats probably because I was using mosquito spray at the time :cry: Some came back last year- they had eaten a nest into our STONE gatepost :shock: But my wife's father superglued up the nest (a rather ingenious man is my father-in-law) and they didn't come back.
Hope they don't come agin this year :roll:

PS- I never watched the Gregory Horror show, but from what I hear it really was THAT bad.

PPS- Yes of course mechs are piloted by school pupils :wink: Also, all private detectives have to be under 20 years old too :p

I haven't heard of FAFNER or Air, I've been working like a xxx (insert what you want here) lately, so I need to brush-up on my manga knowledge :oops:
Thanks for the feedback, really interesting to read that was :) . One thing I'm glad about living in the UK, no Japanese Wasps.

Chris said:
One thing I'm glad about living in the UK, no Japanese Wasps

Yeah, I miss those days of being able to go into combat with just a rolled-up copy of the Mirror :roll:

:D :D :D The only thing the paper is good for! :wink: :D

The game show "Takeshi's Castle" (I've re-read previous postings and hope I'm not getting it confused - somehow - with what's been discussed before. It doesn't seem likely.). I'm watching it occasionaly on "Challenge TV" and Craig Charles doing the commentary is hilarious! :D

Which actually brings me to another question.

Has anyone been killed on one of these brilliant game shows in Japan? And do you ever watch them, and if so which is your favourite and what is the maddest thing you've ever seen on one?!

A lot to answer I know. :D Sorry. :)
I don't watch those shows. They're not on TV anymore. They do things with athletes now, not a gameshow but more of a tournament. Someone got badly injured in one a year or so ago. Thats all I know.
I mainly watch comedy on TV here, it's GREAT!!! :D :D :D
Chris said:
I don't watch those shows. They're not on TV anymore. They do things with athletes now, not a gameshow but more of a tournament. Someone got badly injured in one a year or so ago. Thats all I know.
I mainly watch comedy on TV here, it's GREAT!!! :D :D :D

I take it you have a strong grasp of the Japanese language then? Was it difficult to learn?

Oh, and is Baseball the national sport in the land of the rising sun? :)

Thanks for your time (again). :)
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