Asian men and BNP candidate Bob Bailey clash in Barking

Things definitely aren't going well for them... not that I'm complaining. I'm surprised he hit the guy back though

(Shouldn't this be in Media discussion? Thanks for the video anyway >_<")
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Now, now. Give them a chance. Getting into public fisticuffs with voters does not necessarily mean you aren't capable of running the country.

In all seriousness, though, no member of a political party deserves to be spat and sworn at. Lobbing fruit, eggs, tomatoes and the like at them is perfectly fine and an endearing part of the democratic process. However, spit is icky. And very un-British. Remember John Prescott once giving someone a whack for egging him? Back then, those things were considered image-enhancing. Certainly, those three guys who approached Bob Bailey were in the wrong.
VivisQueen said:
Now, now. Give them a chance. Getting into public fisticuffs with voters does not necessarily mean you aren't capable of running the country.

In all seriousness, though, no member of a political party deserves to be spat and sworn at. Lobbing fruit, eggs, tomatoes and the like at them is perfectly fine and an endearing part of the democratic process. However, spit is icky. And very un-British. Remember John Prescott once giving someone a whack for egging him? Back then, those things were considered image-enhancing. Certainly, those three guys who approached Bob Bailey were in the wrong.
While it was wrong of them to approach him, the guy asked them if they were robbers. He was clearly using verbal abuse with the intention to instigate violence.
Apparently they approached him because he shouted something at them implying they were robbers. If that's the case Bailey was bang out of order. If not, I find it hard to have much sympathy for them. Either way it's an unsavoury incident.

It's not really comparable to the Prescott punch; Bailey is clearly seen kicking one of them in the head while they're trying to get up, and then punching another repeatedly while he's on the ground. It was a prolonged, sustained assault and I wouldn't be surprised if he finds himself in trouble for it.
fabricatedlunatic said:
It was a prolonged, sustained assault and I wouldn't be surprised if he finds himself in trouble for it.
Apparently no-one has been charged, which is rather odd.

Edit: It's being investigated but arresting a politician during voting of the General Election could possibly create bias.
Zelgadis said:
Apparently no-one has been charged, which is rather odd.

The evidence is all over BBC but the police probably worried about the statistics. Can't let crime soar during a national election!

As for Bailey provoking them, I didn't hear because my netbook's sound is shoddy. If that's the case, well, then they're all at fault for being immature yobs.
VivisQueen said:
As for Bailey provoking them, I didn't hear because my netbook's sound is shoddy. If that's the case, well, then they're all at fault for being immature yobs.
It is difficult to catch the first time. Basically he says "How many of you's is robbers?".
How many of you ARE robbers, Mr Bailey. ARE. /end grammar nazism

By the way, does anyone ever consider when they vote whether or not the party leader would look good and fit in on the world stage? Imagine some big world conference. Obama gets to sit down next to Nick Griffin. Now, apart from the fact that Obama would loathe Nick Griffin to the core, let's consider the different levels of breeding, intelligence, and competence. The 'special relationship', on life support as it is, would suddenly find itself DOA. Or if David Cameron attended, could he, a whippersnapper toff with as much backbone as a slug, ever be taken seriously by the heavyweights in the global arena? What about Nick Clegg? He has the breeding, the intelligence, mercifully lacks the toff aura, but is somewhat... unmemorable. I can imagine him at a global summit singing 'Cellophane, Mr Cellophane!'

Your thoughts.
Bet there's a picture of someone from every ethnic background on his punch-dummy, one on each body part. All you can hear is:
Black - black - asian - east - latino - black.

Seriously, that guy knows how to fight in a suit - not the best choice of combat wear. I dont condone it at all though, but the start of it was self-defense which turned more offensively. Both parties were out of order, but with the hate they share, I doubt it could be contained.

@VivisQueen - How ironic, but you're teaching a facist about grammar nazism? ;)
fabricatedlunatic said:
No BNP candidates were elected. Hooray!
That actually makes me happy.

The fact their voters increase over 1% doesn't make me happy though.

I dream of the day I'll be able to vote here....