School Idol
Aria The Masterpiece Manga (1-7) Bundle
Only 4 days left to pre-order this apparently final re-print of the entire “Aria” manga. I heard this is a really good series. I am thinking about getting it. The blu ray of the first anime season comes out in the UK soon from MVM too. Anybody read this? Is it worth the cash? (It’s over $160 for all 7 volumes plus shipping to the UK)
Only 4 days left to pre-order this apparently final re-print of the entire “Aria” manga. I heard this is a really good series. I am thinking about getting it. The blu ray of the first anime season comes out in the UK soon from MVM too. Anybody read this? Is it worth the cash? (It’s over $160 for all 7 volumes plus shipping to the UK)