Are you turning into a Manga/Anime character?

Hello everyone!

Ever since Expo, I've realised that I am slowly turning into a manga character (Ritsuka from Loveless) Without really realising it, I'd started to wear the same type of clothes as him and I'm spiking my hair just a little bit more than I normally would.

So I was wondering, what kind of effect is manga/anime having on your lives?

M.G xx
Well I do love to go out slaying hollows.... actually I seem to be using more and more anime/japanese phrases, earlier today I referred to a koala as being kawaii, my mates gave me a really strang look
McIcy said:
Well I do love to go out slaying hollows.... actually I seem to be using more and more anime/japanese phrases, earlier today I referred to a koala as being kawaii, my mates gave me a really strang look
From now on McIcy is Abarai Renji. 8D

I'm most likely... god, I have no idea who I am. I'd love to be Monkey D. Luffy. XD
Rukario said:
McIcy said:
Well I do love to go out slaying hollows.... actually I seem to be using more and more anime/japanese phrases, earlier today I referred to a koala as being kawaii, my mates gave me a really strang look
From now on McIcy is Abarai Renji. 8D

That would be cool, I'd love to have his tattoos but as I hate pain it'll never happen.

Rukario said:
I'm most likely... god, I have no idea who I am. I'd love to be Monkey D. Luffy. XD

Then I shall do my best to keep an eye out for the 'Fruit of Gum Gum' (just writing it as I hear it on the credits, never seen the show) for you so you can achieve your goal
I originally started this thread to post something silly, but thinking about it, it's weird how manga can infiltrate your life. Every time I go for a haircut it always seems to be anime/manga based. So far this year (and I'm going to embarass myself - and everyone will realise just how much of a nerd I really am...) I've had the following haircuts:

Alex Rowe (Last Exile)
Yuki (Fruits Basket)
Akito (Fruits Basket) I know he's the baddie - but he has a cool haircut!
Currently Ritsuka (Loveless)
But I'm proably going back to Yuki in the new year - that was one cool haircut

M.g xx
I wish I could have an anime style hair cut but alas if my hair gets even slightly too long it becomes a perm and from there it grows into an afro. Would love to have a style like Squal from FFVIII or Ichigo from Bleach.
McIcy said:
I wish I could have an anime style hair cut but alas if my hair gets even slightly too long it becomes a perm and from there it grows into an afro.

Dude my hair is like that anyway!
Manga Girls said:
McIcy - LOL - Mind you, I only have anime hair when my hairdresser styles it, otherwise I spike it and end up looking like a Cyber Punk or a Visualist :)

M.g xx

Yep thats not far from my hair, I have it really short but as it grows it goes spikey and then one morning I'll wake up with a perm so its straight down the hairdressers to have it all removed again
Man I haven't been to the hairdresser in ages, my hair is pretty much like Uryu Ishida from bleach, really dark, straight and close to my head,, well thats how I try to style it atleast, lol

Its really wierd to imagine my hair growing like a perm when it gets long, I guess thats genetics for ya
Not sure I’ve yet found a character to aspire to, the fact that most of them are still teenagers maybe doesn’t help matters.
Besides which, my hair is a dead loss – damn those genetics!
Trim it short with the clippers and forget about it – so short of wearing a wig, I’m gonna fool no one.

Having said this I reckon I would look quite good in one of those Prussian style suits/uniforms you see a lot of the guys wearing.

If I had to choose a character I felt ‘some’ kinship with, it perhaps might be a cross between FMP’s Sousuke, even if he is a bit naively clueless at times – he means well, and FB’s Kyo (funnily enough voiced by the same Japanese actor).
Maybe I’m actually nothing like either, so I don’t know why I say those two :?

But Kyo's cool, so that can't be a bad thing. I know I've mentioned this on my profile, but lots of people say I'm like Kyo, to which I am always alarmed and say, 'Whaaat...!*$!'

But I'm rather looking forward to my Yuki haircut in spring. I can then GHD my hair and spike it out in weird directions (which is always fun^^)

M.G xx
I would love a anime inspired hair cut, but i don't think i would be happy if my hair wasn't long, and i can't think of any anime characters with interesting long hairstyles, long seems to just long. Maybe i should just dye it pink and be like Sakura from Naruto.

I don't think i've been turning into a anime/manga character unfortunately, but i do call ever cute guy a bishie, and everything cute kawaii, and i just can't stop doing peace signs to everybody

Yes, doing peace signs has suddenly become addictive! Long haired manga girls, hmmm.....

How about Nana on the cover of Othello 1? If my hair was long, I would style it like that.

Or get a Gothic Lolita type fringe like that girl in Paradise Kiss.

Ah! How about the glamorous Rin from Fruits Basket...?

M.G xx