Are there any anime you dropped because you found the characters so unlikable?


I was just giving I'm Standing on a Million Lives another go(I had only watched the first episode a while back) and the glasses girl, Yuka, really rubbed me the wrong way.

Yatsuya, the mc saved her from being stripped and photographed by a bunch of psychotic bullies in the ladies room and she repaid him by trying to appease said bullies by claiming he was a pervert who was in there to set up a camera. And worse still, she tells one of their group, Shindo what she'd done and Shindo isn't the least bit bothered by it despite having tearfully begged Yatsuya for his help not two episodes ago.

That, and the way the girls generally treat Yatsuya like crap for no reason put a real bad taste in my mouth. I dropped the show while I was halfway through the next episode.
I totally get it! Those characters can be really frustrating. Yuka's behavior is so off, and Yatsuya just keeps getting into trouble. I don’t blame you for losing patience. Sometimes it’s best to just step away from shows that start getting on your nerves.

Christopher :)