Arc System Works fishing for BlazBlue anime?


Monsieur Monster
AUKN Staff

Japanese gaming magazine Gemaga recently interviewed Toshimichi Mori (director and producer of BlazBlue and Guilty Gear), where as well as stating his desire to make a BlazBlue 3, Mori also stated that he would like to see an anime made and left hints for studio producers to contact him.

The BlazBlue series of 2D fighting games has proven to be quite popular. What are your thoughts about the idea of a BlazBlue anime?
Agreed Stu, the games play out like an anime anyway, but I'm intrigued regardless, video game to anime adaptions seem to work quite well, just look at the anime Street Fighter movies and Tales of The Abyss.
The home console versions of the games are actually VNs as well as fighting games, so this would be no surprise, and would probably be quite fun.