Appleseed Ex Machina UK Premiere at Sci-fi London


Magical Girl
A recent newsletter from Sci-fi London has listed that they have confirmed the UK premiere of Appleseed Ex Machina and a showing of Tekkon Kinkreet as part of this year's Anime All Nighter. Other titles have yet to be confirmed and exact dates have yet to be set (although the festival itself is running in May).

Check out Sci-fi London's web site for further details.
I'm thoroughly looking forward to seeing Ex Machina, and if it's on the big screen and part of the All-Nighter, so much the better. That event proved to be immense fun in the last two years when I went, so I have every intention of going this year too.

A word of warning to anyone else who's interested: demand for the anime all-nighter is high. The tickets sell out FAST.
Nyu said:
I would have loved to go, but i dont know the precise dates. Would be pretty awesome.
Just keep watching the Sci-fi London site and sign up for the newsletter. When they finalise the festival they will let everyone know the precise dates and what will be on.