AOL began offering Bubblegum Crisis, the first anime series on its In2TV online video service, on May 2. The entire dystopic science-fiction series is available for free streaming with a compatible version of Adobe Flash Player.
Episodes are also available for downloading in what the service calls "full screen, DVD quality video." Unlike the streams, the downloaded files include digital rights management for Windows-only playback, and cannot run on iPods.
In related news, the Direct2Drive video download service began offering the first two episodes of Death Note in similarly restricted downloads yesterday (May 9th), a day early.
Source: Anime News Network
Note - All the Bubblegum Crisis and Death Note episodes are region locked. Meaning that you can only view and/or download the episodes if you live in the USA or have a registered billing address in the USA.
Episodes are also available for downloading in what the service calls "full screen, DVD quality video." Unlike the streams, the downloaded files include digital rights management for Windows-only playback, and cannot run on iPods.
In related news, the Direct2Drive video download service began offering the first two episodes of Death Note in similarly restricted downloads yesterday (May 9th), a day early.
Source: Anime News Network
Note - All the Bubblegum Crisis and Death Note episodes are region locked. Meaning that you can only view and/or download the episodes if you live in the USA or have a registered billing address in the USA.