any good manga???


Completely Average High School Student
Hiya, i've been trying to get dn angel vol 3 for ages now but no were seems to have it :x

So i was wondering if there was anything else good out there that i can actually get hold of, the only places i can get manga are from are borders and forbidden planet, ( i live in Birmingham). Chobits looks quite good but being a bit of a newbie to manga i'm not really sure what to get...

Hope you can help!

Thanks xxx
Ive only watch chobits anime not read the manga but the serie is good and alot of people i know say the manga is better then the anime serie.
Ok, I'm assuming that you have some form of plastic (solo/switch, visa, etc), because the best place for manga would be <a href="" target="_blank"></a>. Volume 3 of D.N.Angel is <a href="" target="_blank">here priced at £4.80</a>. Depends on how long you want to wait for it really, but Amazon's stock availability fluctuates a lot of the time. Other than that, I don't know a lot of other places that stock manga, although apparently WHSmith has started now.

As for series to try, it depends on what you're into (shoujo, shounen, etc). I haven't read Chobits... yet.
Try United Publications, even if it's out of stock they usually get it in within days and you can phone them if you don't like ordering online, plus they take cheques if you haven't got a credit card (like me!!).
Their website:

If DN Angel is your thing, you want to try Descendants of Darkness, Angel Sanctuary, Tokyo Babylon, Gravitation, The Wallflower.

You could just try a search at United Publications under the manga company titles and see what there is. I usually choose a lot of manga that way. I prefer manga that hasn't been turned into anime because I can't see the point of reading what you've just watched or the expense of buying both anime and manga. The only exceptions are if the 2 stories differ greatly as with Sailor Moon and Marmalade Boy :D

Other manga I'd recommend are Snow Drop, One, Your & My Secret, Othello, Duck Prince and Sensual Phrase (but only the last one if you're at least 16 :lol: ).
oooooooooooh yeah chobits is really awesome to watch!

i thinik if your into shoujo and stuff then absoloute boyfriend is amaaaazing!!!!!!!!!

honest i think its kinda new so the releases are far apart but its really worth it....quite a classic style but verrrry hot characters >.<
Hey i been try looking for kingdom vol 2 and 3 and 4 but i can't find it at shop and i got kingdom heart vol 1

Also i try find Crescent moon vol 2 and there no left at shop
If you can't shop online, try asking the shop to order them in for you. That failing, KH is a popular series, so the shops should restock regulary.