another xbox price cut otw

Its quite well known that the 360 break a lot. I've had a PS2 since launch and its still working to this day.

However out of all my friends who own 360s we have all had to get our 360s sent in for repair.

As far as I recall with the height of sending in of broken consoles to the German repair center (where mine was sent) they were taking in something like 1000 consoles a day.

If you purchased a console near launch you are pretty much guaranteed that it will break (its just a matter of time). With the newer models they have changed parts to reduce fan noise and also reduce the factor which caused the most red lights of death.
Zen 2nd said:
I've had a PS2 since launch and its still working to this day.
This is a typo, isn't it? Early PS2s were legendary for lens alignment failures resulting in loss of backwards compatability, DVD video reading and finally utter failure (one of my housemates has one of them. It works if you stack books up to try and get an optimum slant).

Forget the PS3 and 360. Where is the Wii price cut? Damned thing has been £60 more than Japan since launch. No Price Cuts at all. Can't people stop buying it so there is stock on the shelf for five minutes, then Nintendo will probably think about cutting the price?
If I can have a PS2 since launch just shows how much I take care of my consoles and yet to have a 360 give me the 3 red lights of death speaks volumes.

Plenty of Wiis in stock for a while now:



kupoartist said:
Forget the PS3 and 360. Where is the Wii price cut? Damned thing has been £60 more than Japan since launch. No Price Cuts at all. Can't people stop buying it so there is stock on the shelf for five minutes, then Nintendo will probably think about cutting the price?


It prints money.