Announcing Anime News Network UK

Ryo Chan said:
the forums are going to get a whole lot quieter :s

I'll still be coming back but your gonna have your work cut out for you. Although this sites been really good with its news recently, so keep that up and it'll be ok :D
I don't see why it would effect the forums here much... The old ANN site was international, I have an account, but I still post here mainly.
At the worst, ANN UK would become comparable to ANN Australia: a short trickle of news and articles with little surrounding discussion.

I have the expectation that such a eventuality will not come to be, however. I shall take steps to ensure that discussion remains active.
This site has mostly been a good source of news for our market and we have the distributors come here sometimes to actually talk to us. Very little of that happens a ANN, unless it's on their ANNCast. ANN-UK is still mostly a blank page. I'll still be coming here to get the latest Anime UK News. I think what would be good is if the two colaborate between here and them, maybe even a merger? :)
Sparrowsabre7 said:
I like it better here. Everything's more localised. Plus I like that it's a smaller community, you get to regocnise people's names/ userpics :p

I've never really been on ANN much, but I think these are my feelings as well. Really big internet sites tend to scare and baffle me, infact the entire internet in general tends to scare and baffle me. I just like to go to the few sites I know and trust and then get back out again with my soul still intact!
Been wondering if this would happen for a while... Not that it makes much difference to me really, just switch my bookmark from ANN to....ummm....ANN. ¬.¬
megagold5 said:
Been wondering if this would happen for a while... Not that it makes much difference to me really, just switch my bookmark from ANN to....ummm....ANN. ¬.¬
Or just go to ANN USA as usual, and then click on UK at the top. Either way's good. ;)

Dont know if this will affect me much, but it's good to know our country/ies have their name on the site.