Nothing catches my eye there. Disappointing.
No it did exceptionaly well over there too. I'm guessing this just means the atrociously bad BD FUNi put out didn't sell.MikeP said:I guess the Samurai Champloo thing was more of an issue of it selling exceptionally well over here in comparison to the US where its just doing a little better than OK.
It was the screenshots on this review that first alerted eagle-eyed fans to the possibility that it was a new encode. Note the grain; the previous release had scrubbed it all away with DNR.ilmaestro said:Very interesting! I shall eagerly await reviews/screenshots.
ilmaestro said:So, the new version is just randomly "out there"? It's not actually been advertised as such/no way of knowing if your set will have it or not?
note: I started actively avoiding anything involving the words "Champloo" and "Funiamtion" as soon as I saw the screenshots from the original "effort", so feel free to just kick me in the general direction of google. ^^;