Anime on Electric Sofa

meh nothing of interest then

tbf though Electric sofa has been known to have anime on it's listing since it was reported in early december on digital spy, it's hardly worth hiding anymore
I am pretty surprised they replied with actual answers at all, somewhat brief and to the point though they were. Would love it if they showed a bunch of moderately old movies that I don't own in some way... but I can't see it.
Stuart-says-yes said:
Well, I'm excited anyway, anime on tv beats watching it on a laptop, more relaxing.

u never heard of tversity stu ;)

just sounds like another film 24 to me

and any anime movie out their i'd watch i already own, so why buy a sky sub just to watch it

incidently Virgin and BT currently have no plans to show Electic Sofa
Paradox295 said:
Mo3ooo said:
Ooooooo now im excited ! :D Also, I doubt they'll just put Ghibli stuff on, Film4 already show their films now and then, I think they mean anime like Death Note, FMA, things like that, but thats just my opinion ( or more like what I hope for :p )

Could be, but it wouldn't fit their channels
Film GB - British Stuff
Sofa Stars - Celebrity Stuff
Sofa Screen - Foriegn, artsy stuff

Which is made me think of Ghibli stuff on Sofa Screen
Don't Film4 have the Ghibli licenses?

So their plan is apparently 1 anime film a fortnight (a film would take a 2 hour timeslot, due to adverts, right?). As long as they go out of Ghibli territory (No offence, I love Ghibli, but I'd like variety).
Can I ask how rating figures work?

Is it still only people with the special boxes? or in this new HD digital age do all these Sky+/ V+ boxes provide some sort of feedback for the network? Just wondered if I Sky+ something does that count?