Ah right, thought it might have been that but wasn't sure - cheers for clearing that up.britguy said:@vox the inner bit at the school is what I believe to be the digipack
I disagree with your claim the new artwork is an uninspired choice of artwork.vashdaman said:Cha, you're right indeed Ath. I have no clue what this anime is, but whoever made the decision to put that uninspired choice of artwork on the cover instead of that truly lovely piece you linked.
No need to offend people with your opinion. You're not only offending Andrew, Kat, Kerry and the artist there!LtDiscotek said:Yikes, that new cover is terrible, and I mean, TERRIBLE. I backed the UE simply because I thought the artwork looked far classier and swish than the regular edition. Now this looks like some thrown together photo shop crap. Shame, now I have to choose between the big standard regular edition with the far nicer artwork but no physical extras or the UE with all the physical extras but **** cover. *SIGH* WHYYYYYYY AL!? I thought you had standards! *sigh*
Any chance you can showcase the fact it'd be generic? Because I only see a beautiful unique piece of art of a surely wonderful movie.Cactus said:I was getting this pretty much going on the Kickstarter artwork - but that new cover makes it look insanely generic.
Eh? *points left* Huh *points right* Wha..?! *points other place* He *...* Ha *..* Hu *180 turn*anime_andrew said:True - and it was the catch-22 of using an actual artwork instead of summarising or such I guess! As you guessed - I'm trying to work out something that makes sense WRT the o-card for backers now too as I don't want people to feel put out or such so let me see what I can do there I guess especially as while a minority, it's one who I want to try to placate at least.
Do me a favour, and ask somebody you like/love to give you a hug from me.anime_andrew said:Well firstly I do have standards - in fact I also have feelings and obviously they're feeling a bit aback by people's reactions. I actually really liked what was done and I'm sorry people feel this way over it - let me see about it and I'll discuss in house though. We paid for the usage for specifically this edition though so if we don't use it here, it's basically wasted so I have to think very hard on the logical course of action. Watch this space and let me get back to folks as I have a few ideas.
Le sigh.
I for one don't have a problem with the new artwork. If it is what you believe in (and paid for) Andrew then I say use it and don't let it go to waste.You can please some of the people some of the time, but you can`t please all the people all of the time!