For anyone wondering where some stock of the funimation titles in the AtA sale may have came from, my copy of Noragami Arigato had an old school price sticker on it for "£20.00", so I guess some remnants were returned to them from smaller brick and mortar retail stores.
It's not your dvd player that will do this for you, it's your television, it may work differently with blu-rays as even with 4:3 material it still has to output a hdmi-compliant signal, meaning 16:9 so the black bars will be added to the video output, unlike animorphic widescreen dvd's where the output is still actually 4:3 but is "pre-compressed" so the tv stretches it to 16:9.
Anyways, most televisions have the aspect ratio option to dynamically "fill the screen", meaning it'll stretch 4:3 material for you, although that it makes it look pretty bad imo.