Girls with Guns
Safe to say I'll probably give the next 12 Days sale a miss if they still haven't addressed these issues.
Yeah, I'm afraid I'm about done with Anime Limited for importing anime anymore - first it was a full year's wait for my 2022 Holiday pre-orders to arrive, on top of all the other Collector's Edition delays upon repeated delays, which has made me swear to never pre-order any of their Collectors Editions ever again, and wait until after they are in stock to purchase them, if ever - now their shipping for in-stock items has become yet another pile of defication. It took them 18 days to ship out this years's Christmas Sale order of all in-stock items I placed on Day 1 of the sale, plus of course 8 more days for the package to arrive here in the US - and now it's been 17 days since I placed an all in-stock order during their Boxing Day/New Year's sale, and that order hasn't even shipped yet either.
On top of all that is the defective disc for the Nadia Ultimate Edition and now the Kids on the Slope Collector's Edition missing subtitles - They'd better get their act together in a big hurry...