UK Anime Distributor Anime Limited Discussion Thread

ALs website is terrible anyway I missed half the sale items originally till people yolt me why would they divide every section and not just create a big page for all deals and the fact the preorders were big and shiny days before their launches was weird too.
For how long this website has been in development it’s pretty poor.
It’s way more clunky to get Ebs and offers when previously it was top of the page. The fact these sub sections for “popular” shows just reminds of when CR ruined their website by pushing originals before all shows as a tab.
While I agree with the sentiment that it's unrealistic to expect support for (very) old browsers, it tends to have little to do with security. Most new security measures over the past few years actually have an inverse effect: old site won't work in newer browsers. The things that break "modern" sites on old browsers are often times trivial in nature (using new fancy styling/elements or vendor specific features).
Hmm Interesting. I know that new styles of code are being created for modern browsers (cries in HTML and SQL qualifications) but I had thought the same logic would apply to encryption protocols. Good to know
I 100% think this is a COTS development it’s so the off the shelf it annoys me. As “shop” are all the same the same aren’t they.
Hey could be worse but FUNimations COTS web video player than can’t handle two dialogue streams.
I 100% think this is a COTS development it’s so the off the shelf it annoys me. As “shop” are all the same the same aren’t they.
Hey could be worse but FUNimations COTS web video player than can’t handle two dialogue streams.
Yeah it's definitely a premade, their checkout is identical to many squarespace sites I know about.

Yeah the Funi one is terrible, I cancelled my Funi sub because their player doesn't work on anything I have even my PC browsers lol.
Thankfully Chrome it’s “okay” on. But you have to unpause then pause then unpause to start shows, at this point it feels like I’ve learnt it’s all problems it’s just a shame funimation is getting 90% of all shows it’s why their theft of Log Horizon irked me I don’t like their website but I feel forced. At least not as bad as Jan 2020 when it Madoka Magica and Fate so I had an hour of crap website a week.
Yeah it's definitely a premade, their checkout is identical to many squarespace sites I know about.

Yeah the Funi one is terrible, I cancelled my Funi sub because their player doesn't work on anything I have even my PC browsers lol.
Use the app with a Chromecast. Works better than any of the browser or console versions.

Doesn't stop it from being extremely unintuitive to navigate though.
Thirded (that's not a word...) I also get my two Turn A sets a couple of days ago and have yet to receive a dispatch notice. If it weren't for @HellCat 's post they would've been buried with the two Amazon parcels of family gifts that arrived on the same day and I'd be completely unaware of having them until I got to wrapping...

That's not me complaining, for the record! Happy to have them before Christmas!
Regarding dispatch emails; I've updated all the Turn A orders that (AFAIK) have been shipped. I'll say now you probably won't get an email notification if you're part of that batch I just updated, so best to check your account to see the order status. But all going well email notifications for Turn A orders going forward should happen. Hope that helps.
Regarding dispatch emails; I've updated all the Turn A orders that (AFAIK) have been shipped. I'll say now you probably won't get an email notification if you're part of that batch I just updated, so best to check your account to see the order status. But all going well email notifications for Turn A orders going forward should happen. Hope that helps.
Although preordered turn A day 1 I have no order update...............
Is there anymore news on whats happening with Weathering With You - both the Zavvi and AL releases?
They sent out emails on the 4th. This is the key bit:

Our current estimate (which is subject to change) is that stock should arrive in the UK before the end of the week commencing 14th December. Assuming nothing goes awry with that timeline we're hopeful stock can also begin shipping during that same week, but that is ultimately subject to when the stock has actually arrived.