Anime Hangman

Damn, this has the be the most obscure Gundam there is. I've been searching lists of Gundams for answers that fit, but nothing.

Also, 'X'.
Mutsumi said:
Damn, this has the be the most obscure Gundam there is. I've been searching lists of Gundams for answers that fit, but nothing.

I tried searching but couldn't see anything. I'm guessing it must be some sort of mecha from one of the series.
Aww, I feel evil now. I will conveniently suddenly start strictly applying the rule for one letter per update >_>

_ O _ N / _ U _ _ / G U N D A _
Wrong guesses: E, R, I, T, S
My husband walked by after the first letter was done and declared the answer :s I wonder if he's right.
