Will-O'-The-Wisp Cardcaptor 23 August 2007 #272 Flora - Claymore (Would that last Final Fantasy thing count as an anime...? I got no idea weather it's still a game or not)
Flora - Claymore (Would that last Final Fantasy thing count as an anime...? I got no idea weather it's still a game or not)
L Lupus Baka Ranger 23 August 2007 #273 Deidara said: (Would that last Final Fantasy thing count as an anime...? I got no idea weather it's still a game or not) Click to expand... It's an animu a crap one at that. Farnese - Berserk.
Deidara said: (Would that last Final Fantasy thing count as an anime...? I got no idea weather it's still a game or not) Click to expand... It's an animu a crap one at that. Farnese - Berserk.