'Anime Central' Industry Panel Reports


Industry panel reports from this years Anime Central convention held in the USA have been made available.

These events were a chance for fans to hear direct from some of the leading anime and manga distributors on what thier thoughts and plans were for the year ahead.

To view the reports, click on the names of the groups below, and you'll be taken directly to the report.

ADV Films
Dark Horse Comics

(all of these reports have been verified by studio representatives)

Source: Anime News Network

When more reports become available, they'll be added to the list.

(NOTE - release dates mentioned in these reports are for the USA only, not the UK)
Answering a fan question on how ADV perceives the threat and challenge presented by fansubbers, Matt answered that while fan subtitling is hurting the industry both in the US and in Japan, “the industry has to learn and adapt to new technology, and has to find ways to work around it.â€
Do you approve of companies buying shows that have been on TV, putting them on dvd and releasing them, months or years later then?
RichB06 said:
Do you approve of companies buying shows that have been on TV, putting them on dvd and releasing them, months or years later then?
Frankly, yes. If you enjoy something you should expect and be willing to pay the going rate for it rather than expect it to be free.
Because you aren't Japanese?

Besides, companies such as ADV buy the rights to shows, they haven't created the shows, they simply buy up popular shows to make money, that is a fact.

Fansubbers do not, they sub shows because they, like me, enjoy anime
Gawyn said:
RichB06 said:
Do you approve of companies buying shows that have been on TV, putting them on dvd and releasing them, months or years later then?
Frankly, yes. If you enjoy something you should expect and be willing to pay the going rate for it rather than expect it to be free.

Same here, I did it with Bubblegum Crisis, I did it with Evangelion, I did it with Nadesico, I did it with... You get the picture. :D

If I like something why shouldn't I be able to buy a legitimate copy of it?

Also, just because somethings been on TV once, doesn't mean it will be again. Also, DVDs tend to be a higher quality than anything you've taped or downloaded.
RichB06 said:
Because you aren't Japanese?

Besides, companies such as ADV buy the rights to shows, they haven't created the shows, they simply buy up popular shows to make money, that is a fact.

Fansubbers do not, they sub shows because they, like me, enjoy anime

Which is still copyright theft and fansubbers are contributing nothing to the anime industy income wise. Do you think lots of anime fans saying thanks will pay the companies bills? No, it's the ones that go and buy the anime or import the dvd that do.

Companies like ADV buy the licenses because they already have the infrastructure in place to distribute the product. They also do make the shows, such as dubs. Hell why don't we call every import company in the world greedy :roll:

Thats the reason you will never, ever, be an expert in business.
RichB06 said:
Because you aren't Japanese?

Besides, companies such as ADV buy the rights to shows, they haven't created the shows, they simply buy up popular shows to make money, that is a fact.

Fansubbers do not, they sub shows because they, like me, enjoy anime

Of course they do, they are a business. :roll:

But forgive me if I'm wrong, they 'do' go to the effort of redubbing them and subtittling them properly. ( As in actually getting someone who understands the language to translate them and using a typeface that 'dosn't' take up half the screen.. :wink: )

Not to mention the quality is usually better overall.

Also, most of the anime made these days is made for overseas markets, and if no one bought them, they wouldnt make any anymore.
Nobody is saying you can't buy the dvds! Of course DVD will be higher quality and I myself have bought many shows on DVD after watching them on fansubs for that very reason

But that's the thing, fansubs aren't the threat companies like ADV make them out to be, they just don't like that somebody will 'make do' with fansubs, or try a show and not like it so won't buy the dvd released later, it's greed, pure and simple
RichB06 said:
Nobody is saying you can't buy the dvds! Of course DVD will be higher quality and I myself have bought many shows on DVD after watching them on fansubs for that very reason

But that's the thing, fansubs aren't the threat companies like ADV make them out to be, they just don't like that somebody will 'make do' with fansubs, or try a show and not like it so won't buy the dvd released later, it's greed, pure and simple

So people can't rent anime DVD's now? We don't live in the 90's anymore and anime isn't some obscure format limited to students and geeks.

Why do you think fansubbers ask for distribution to be stopped after the series is licensed? encouraging people to go buy them. While fansubbers may mean no harm it is still hurting the profits, that's companies make anime. TO MAKE MONEY. Stop trying to stick it to the man, theft is theft.
Don't be daft, I don't hate anyone! Well.. maybe a couple of folks
But not you, a dicussion doesn't have to be an argument just coz we disagree :)
RichB06 said:
I guess it just tickles me that while you post that you are enjoying Black Lagoon via fansub

Nope, I'm just being hypocritical/devils advocat. When Black Lagoon gets released i shall be picking it up and deleting it from my computer. I know what i am doing is breaking copyright and is wrong, the difference is im not trying to defend it.

RichB06 said:
But not you, a dicussion doesn't have to be an argument just coz we disagree :)


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