Not to mention horidly mangled over the years...
concidering it meens house and all.
concidering it meens house and all.
Nope. It is a polite term meaning "you" or "your household" although the original term is slightly old-fashioned these days.Conan-san said:Not to mention horidly mangled over the years...
concidering it meens house and all.
WTFDaveMustaine said:It's really not a flattering term in the slightest though...Gawyn said:Still, like McIcy says, I'm proud to be an otaku.
Yes. There's the end of the sci-fi story, and the flashback to the time he spent in Singapore or wherever it was. But nothing really surprising. That film never really goes anywhere at all. And that's the whole idea of it. We can spend our whole lives waiting for the future, but it never comes to us, it's always just out of reach. Sorry for giving it away but… If you've seen In the Mood for Love, that's what's important.cornixt said:How much more is there after they talk about falling in love with an android on a train? Did I miss much?
I was perhaps lucky to see 2046 before In the Mood a few years ago and was really impressed with the whole visual style of the film, although i have to admit i left the cinema not entirely certain of how it all fitted together.Turtleheart said:...2046 is starting at 1:30 AM in the morning! Sorry to disappoint you if you were looking forward to seeing it in the early afternoon. But from what I've read, it's a big letdown after the perfection of In the Mood for Love.
Rukario said:Do you cosplay, McIcy?