Archaic Sage said:
The Gamecube was graphically more powerful than the PS2, and the games on said console utilised it's graphical prowess, therefore any game that was on the GC on the Wii is automatically better than what it would of been on the PS2.
Where the heck did you get that from?
look at prince of persia on both consoles. same graphics.
now look at the latter games that came out for ps2 against latter games that came out for GC....the GC is far inferior on the graphics side. it may have looked better to begin with but sony are still trying to fine tune the ps2 to get the best from it. whereas the GC has been left alone by nintendo.
and with that in mind....the ps3 is nowhere near put to its has 4X the proccessing power of a celeron processor. and using the above as a example. i can only assume that by the end of the ps3's life....when ps4 comes to town. that the graphics will be pushed to the limits and make the games that are out right now, look mediocre at best.
and the Wii....well its graphics might get better slightly....but it is a "non serious gamer" console afterall so it'd be wrong expect much.
Some of those games you mentioned are more passtime, tennis, football, air hockey, skiing and all the others so unless your playing in a group...its boring. and yes i own both PS3 and Wii so i know there are afew decent games.....just not many.
it all swings in roundabouts.
PS3 is dominant on graphics and free online gaming and assurance that it won't mysteriously die on you. but has a serious lack of games.
360 has hundreds of games but you have to pay to play online and the console is known to come with a limited shelflife before it encounters a fault.
Wii has a moderate amount of games, moderate graphics, free to play online but the games it does have are made for people who don't play games so their nothing special.
and black: Yes, i get asked to help her. and then whenever i get home she's playing it...when you've seen the same kitchen and sewer for hours on'll want to scream and break the disk too.
i only play mariocart and brawl.
and i'm not arguing...just saying that the Wii shouldn't be put on a pedistal. i bought animal crossing on the DS and learnt that you have to have real loyalty to it..or your town ends up like mine.....covered in weeds and all the people complain to the town hall that i cba to clean it up anymore, i did think "why the hell am i the only civil servant??" and gave up cleaning the place.