Amecon Round Up


Thousand Master
Going to start with the list of new licenses license they on to some of the other things that were said and not said.
Gurren Largen (bought bloody time)
Sword of a Stranger (Bones orginal movie)
Many many boxsets of older stuff (but we knew about that)
Nothing New (waiting on a press release for an American con, where 13 new titles are going to announced)
lots boxsets
Desert Punk
Solty Rei
Romeo and Juliet
No announcements (cause the poor lad had just spent 3 months in China and only heard he was doing a panel 5 min before it was supposed to start.
Where not present at the Con
All respect to Chaos who sat through all the announcements and texted them to me.
What was more interesting that the license was some of the talk in the rest of the panels (especially ADV's and the Industry Panel)> ADV's was interesting as they did something I've never heard an anime company do. Talk using numbers. How much it costs to licenses a series (Final Fantasy cost 1 Million USD PER EPISODE), How many copies a DVD has to sell to make its money back ( a strong selling anime will shift a thousand copies), and how badly some tiles are selling (Red Garden vol 3 shifted less than 50 copies). Hugh also talked about why certain anime are on hiatus, all the titles that are on hold have their American licenses owned by Funimation, but no one is sure who owns the UK licenses. They are holding on so they don't tread on toes ( and get sued).
There was also talk about collaboration with Japanese companies ) and diversification as long as you understand each other and what the other wants for the former and as long as you don't use some one else's money for the latter. Which is where ADV buggered up. As for the bugger up it was asked if Hugh felt ADV might go under. His response was that it had, and had then resurfaced as something different. ADV's future is more that of a production company ( doing the dubs etc) for other companies (Funimation) rather than licensing and distribution it them selves.
Gurren Largen (bought bloody time)

I will definetley be picking this up, I hope we get the Limited Edition version.

No announcements (casue the poor lad had just spent 3 months in China and only heard he was doing a panel 5 min before it was supposed to start.
Where not present at the Con

So... still no One Piece :roll: :cry:
Very interesting, especially good news that the TTGL license has been sorted out. Also, it's kind of a shame that there's no Revelation representation because, what with Funimation's domination stateside, it would be interesting to hear about what they've got planned for the future.
More intrestering that CSC (anime central) made no attempt to show thier ugly mugs following thier slow posioning of thier channel and subsiquent Chinese media handeling of any news.
I hope we get the Limited Edition version.

I must admit, while I don't care for dubs, it is very tempting to get the bilingual release now that some light has been shed on physical extras included in the vol. 1 LE w/artbox (though the lack of character art on the box itself is a bit of a downer for me).

I'd be surprised if Beez didn't release it.
A few things that surprised me.
- the figures hopeful monster mentioned above, talking about how difficult it is to negotiate licenses, bidding wars, bbfc costs, authoring, etc.
- I've noticed from two industry representatives a certain respect for what manga is doing.
- Lace guy also start talking about straight to boxset's releases.
- SLAYERS!!! MVM is considering releasing SLAYERS!! =D (nothing signed yet though... :(

This last one made my day.
chaos said:
- I've noticed from two industry representatives a certain respect for what manga is doing.
- Lace guy also start talking about straight to boxset's releases.

- Good, as Manga's latest releases have been top notch.
- Again good, as i've rather by in 2 sets rather than have it stretched out over a number of volumes with low number of eps per volume.
Almost forgot about this...

Lucky Star - Andrew said it was depending on how well Haruhi does.
He did mentioned they were pretty happy with the way things are going. I love the Haruhi LE's and I'm anxiously expecting to be able to get more stuff like that =)

- Also one thing that crossed my mind and Lace guy confirmed (can't remember his name, sorry) - ADV started selling better once they started to go down... I'm one of those who considered getting all the shows from ADV that I cared, before they collapsed....
Well, I hear Haruhi's selling pretty well, especially the LE's at Cons and the such, so I can see Lucky Star coming out in 2009, maybe using a similar release schedule as Haruhi... I know i'll probably get Lucky Star if it gets released over here.
Ryo Chan said:
still nout on Anime Central then?

Hugh David commented on that one briefly. His words were along the lines of "One of their lead marketing people has just left, I'm not saying anything more than that, but I think you can work out what's happening". Basically he thinks Anime Central is dead, and discussion seemed to be that stuff like Bandai Channel would replace it.

In reference to stuff above, mind, ADV were NOT in attendance......due largely to the fact that they don't actually EXIST in the UK any more. Hugh now works for Lace Digital Media and spoke on their behalf (Although, confusingly, he was still wearing an ADV T-shirt). His talk on numbers was interesting, though, especially when Andrew from Beez chipped in and said "Our boxsets probably don't sell to many more people than are in this room right now" during the state of the industry panel, and that less than 100 copies of Red Garden vol 3 was just insane.

The saddest moment for me is that Tony from MVM was actually genuinely SURPRISED at:
1. Fooly Cooly selling well. Seriously, it's a nice short series, and it's very good....I'd have paid £10 AN EPISODE....give me two on a disc and I'm very happy.
2. The reaction to mentioning Slayers as purely a hypothetical licence was on his desk at home. Seriously. The room burst out into spontaneous applause and cheering.

As for anyone who was in the joint Beez/Lace Panel that was on, we got a fun lecture in cow economics of anime. Cow economics is the simplest explanation of economics, so capitalism is "You have two cows, you sell one to buy a bull", communism is "you have two cows, the government takes both and gives you some milk", that sort of thing....well for anime we had:

Tokyopop: You have two cows, you sell the milk and use the profits to buy some dogs

Manga Ent.: You have two cows, and you can see their udders and everything!

ADV: You have two cows which are reclaimed by the Japanese venture capitalists who only own 61% but keep all the milk anyway. You sit back drinking champagne and wait for the apocalypse.

Revelation: What's a Cow?

There was a beez one but I'll be buggered if I can remember it.
MrChom said:
Ryo Chan said:
still nout on Anime Central then?

Tokyopop: You have two cows, you sell the milk and use the profits to buy some dogs

Manga Ent.: You have two cows, and you can see their udders and everything!

ADV: You have two cows which are reclaimed by the Japanese venture capitalists who only own 61% but keep all the milk anyway. You sit back drinking champagne and wait for the apocalypse.

Revelation: What's a Cow?

There was a beez one but I'll be buggered if I can remember it.

LOL...........somewhat funny of them to make light of the sitution
Hugh and Andrew can afford to make light... I mean...Beez aren't going anywhere any time soon, and Hugh's well known as being a good public face for a company for quite a long time now.

To make a gaming comparison they're the Phil Harrison, and Major Nelson of the UK anime scene. Everyone knows them, people listen to what they say, and while they know that what they say is likely to be pro-their-own-company the two of them do have some very VERY interesting things to say.

Also, they race each other to lunch. I **** you not. Watching a high speed Andrew racing Hugh to the canteen is one of those moments where you question if you're having some sort of weird nightmare.
MrChom said:
Also, they race each other to lunch. I **** you not. Watching a high speed Andrew racing Hugh to the canteen is one of those moments where you question if you're having some sort of weird nightmare.

As long as you don't hear "benny hill" in the background, i won't quite question your sanity...... yet ;)
Ryo Chan said:
MrChom said:
Also, they race each other to lunch. I **** you not. Watching a high speed Andrew racing Hugh to the canteen is one of those moments where you question if you're having some sort of weird nightmare.

As long as you don't hear "benny hill" in the background, i won't quite question your sanity...... yet ;)

Damn, Wish I'd been there, I have that on my phone. :D ( Not as the ringtone though, just incase you're wondering. :p