Amecon 2007 announced!

butch-cassidy said:
Ame is THE anime convention for the UK. It and Aya are the largest and run in different years. Well over a thousand attend each year.

I'll maybe try to go this time around, if I do then that will be the 3rd anime covnention I'll have been to....unless I go to another one before then
Nah, Minami is THE anime convention to go to. Minami is the longest running convention, not to mention the most well organised & fun to attend. Amecon just has the higher capacity. Just because an event can have more people doesn't make it the better event.
I will be hoping to go to this next year even if I have to take time off of work as knowing my luck i will definately be on shift that day
My luck sucks while the con is on Im off on holiday with the family. Luck is bad because my family are clones from the royal family
I've been to every ame so far and am proud to be the guy propping up the bar.... hehe last year Greg Ayres bought aload drinks. :) But hey this year I'm taking my video camera so lots of youtube footage. SO remember smile you're on RK Cam!
Holy SMEG, i got in. Wasn't expecting to get in (was in the 300's of the waiting list) Now got to find accommodation, and what everything else is needed. Digging round room for check book.