Amazon ditches Free Delivery for all orders under £10

fabricatedlunatic said:
I've recently discovered Wordery. I bought a couple of books from them via Amazon Marketplace and they were posted either the same or next day (compared to anything between 2-5 days from TBD). Prices are similar to Amazon and TBD, and they offer free postage with no minimum order value. They're also doing 10% off in January, something I wish I'd known before buying those books from their Amazon store. Oh wellz.

How these places make any money with RM continually jacking up their prices is a mystery, but I'm happy to roll with it.

Companies like Wordery would have volume contracts with RM so the price they pay for postage in some cases can be 50% of the full price.

What is more suprising is that the Amazon postage credit for the marketplace hasn't changed for years. Excluding changes due to the VAT going down and then up, since 2006 postage prices have gone up (therefore knowing Amazon they will either increase the postage charge for the marketplace or ditch postage charges, so no more 1p books.