All recommendations appreciated =D

hey all, been a long time since i've come to the ol' forums but since im here, I need your help!

usually now a days I have slowly slipped away from anime, I want to get back into it but dont know where exactly to start.

Im a Naruto and Bleach junkie but those are on fillers last time i've checked (sorry to mention this to people who dont like fansubbing etc)

Im looking to watch something which has a lot of action..perhaps a little comedy thrown in here and there, aint 2 picky hehe... Ever since Samurai Champloo i've grown to take interest in ninja/samurai stuff.. I dont really lyk the whole Mech animes, so no recommendations on that type of genre lolzz.. very greatful to those who offer me their wisdom and wat not.. list as many that come to your head, I really wanna make effort in coming back into Anime hehe

anddd apart from the action stuff, I enjoy Tenchi Universe-esque anime.... a little drama.. comedy.. LOVED School Rumble! if you can recommend me any good animes to look out for, it would be great!!

Thanks all a bunch for your time and effort...if any1 ends up replying that is lolzz
You like fight/comedy stuff with a bit of Japanese culture in for goot measure, eh?

Got just the one suggestion then, Ranma 1/2.
Yu Yu Hakusho is very action packed with plenty of comedy and as you like Bleach and Naruto you should be familiar with the Dragonball Z-esque long drawn out battles. Also Flame of Recca is very similar, but about half the length.

Action, Drama and comedy there is Rurouni Kenshin, although I cant really remember it very well, but it is down as a 9 on my anime list, so it must be vaguely worth while:p
Hunter x Hunter is soon to be released on DVD in America, I believe.

I would strongly urge further investigation; it's fairly unique and battle scenes are superbly portrayed.

If you enjoy Naruto and Bleach, it's well worth investigating.