Akihabara stabbing spree sees 7 killed, 17 more wounded


Ghost of Animes
On Sunday (June 8th) afternoon, a 25-year-old man (allegedly) by the name of Tomohiro Kato drove his truck into the heart of Tokyo's Akihabara and injured several people. Upon exiting his vehicle, Kato attacked dozens of bystanders with a knife, eventually killing 7 people (1 woman, 6 men) and maiming 17 others. He claimed that "<a href="http://edition.cnn.com/2008/WORLD/asiapcf/06/08/japan.stabbing.spree/index.html">he was tired of life [...] sick of everything</a>". It's assumed that Kato's rage was sparked when, earlier in the week, he thought he had lost his job because his work clothes had gone missing. He is now likely to face the death penalty.

The incident hit headlines the world over, with every news organisation from <a href="http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/asia-pacific/7445694.stm">the BBC</a> to <a href="http://edition.cnn.com/2008/WORLD/asiapcf/06/08/japan.stabbing.spree/index.html">CNN</a> handling it with the highest of priorities. Of course, it's a tragedy in and of itself, but it's especially potent for fans of Japanese pop culture, as this all unfolded within the so-called otaku mecca, Akihabara, a well-known shopping area in Tokyo for electronic, computer, anime and otaku goods that has, in the last 4 to 5 years, attracted millions of tourists.
I'm pretty shocked by this news, to be honest.

Also fairly shocked to learn that Japan has the death penalty. I always just assume that Japan has progressed socially at the same pace as a Western European country but then I hear these king of things and it makes me wonder ...
CitizenGeek said:
I'm pretty shocked by this news, to be honest.

Also fairly shocked to learn that Japan has the death penalty. I always just assume that Japan has progressed socially at the same pace as a Western European country but then I hear these king of things and it makes me wonder ...

They haven't actually used it in decades though.
melonpan said:
CitizenGeek said:
I'm pretty shocked by this news, to be honest.

Also fairly shocked to learn that Japan has the death penalty. I always just assume that Japan has progressed socially at the same pace as a Western European country but then I hear these king of things and it makes me wonder ...

They haven't actually used it in decades though.
I guess that in a country with a (relatively) low crime rate, there isn't much call for it. That said, there are occasional cases, such as the nerve gas attack on the Tokyo underground in 1995, in which at least one of the perpatrators was given the death sentence. The guy in charge of the cult responsible is currently on death row, despite several appeals.

I've always been anti-death penalty but this incident has made me question it a bit actually.

In any case, acts like this are rare in Japan (hence why it's so high on the agenda of news sites when they're more common in other countries) but they are allegedly happening more frequently now, which I guess is why the Japanese people are so worried about it.

Akihabara is indeed a prime tourist spot in the city, so they're probably worried about the repurcussions on their peaceful, 'low crime' image abroad too. I still view Tokyo as a 'safe' place to visit and this hasn't put me off wanting to go...but still, no nation's capital wants negative publicity like this.

EDIT: Wikipedia has an interesting entry on the subject, but is sadly lacking in citations.
CitizenGeek said:
I'm pretty shocked by this news, to be honest.

Also fairly shocked to learn that Japan has the death penalty. I always just assume that Japan has progressed socially at the same pace as a Western European country but then I hear these king of things and it makes me wonder ...
I use to say that forgiveness is a Christian value....

melonpan said:
They haven't actually used it in decades though.
Not exactly true....
http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/ar ... Jan15.html

Martin said:
...Akihabara is indeed a prime tourist spot in the city, so they're probably worried about the repurcussions on their peaceful, 'low crime' image abroad too. I still view Tokyo as a 'safe' place to visit and this hasn't put me off wanting to go...but still, no nation's capital wants negative publicity like this...
Tokyo is still safe. The shocking things are the circunstances. How many murders do you need to consider some place unsafe? I say just one... In your family or someone really close... =(
With such crazy suppressed sexuality and Otaku culture... I am amazed such things don't happen more often in Japan.
Really awful. These things ought not to happen.

And I guess this is just another round of ammunition for the"video games and anime are evil" lobby. Which is also a shame.
I always feel like it's only a matter of time before things like this reoccur, all you need is one nutcase who lacks respect for human life.

Still this is pretty damn shocking, that level of indescriminate aggression is disturbing to say the least. I'm not for the death penalty, but I don't think a life sentence would be too far off the mark.
Hmm it seems I was wrong about the death penalty, and it seems it's being actively used in Japan from once to a few times a year, or if there's a special case. The Japanese go about it in a respectful manner though, it seems (as respectly as being executed can be...)
my heart really goes out to people who have been affected by this tragedy and i hope this does not have a negative effect on the whole anime and stuff. i wish people would realise that just because one person who was into the same things we all are can commit this sort of horrible act, does not mean we are all going to turn into maniacs and do the same thing!
I never heard of groups agaist anime / games in Japan. Not sure they exist. Also, anime and games are a part of most people's life in there, even during their adulthood, so I rather believe there are sensibly people that won't try to find a scape goat to put the blame on.
Very sorry to hear about this. I heard 'Tomohiro Kato' appantly wanted the Police to stop him before he killed anyone (or something similar). Condolences to those hurt or involved in the attack.
Man, last time the Japanese executed someone was April.....of this year. Four prisoners in one execution and there was nine last year o_O.

I think if you take someone's life you relinquish your right to a good life but I really don't think death is the best punishment.
From what I'm reading, this is set to get a lot worse before it gets any better for Akiba:

Canned Dogs and AkibaBlog back this up with reports of police officers walking around with batons at the ready instead of at their waist and the streets being opened up for vehicular traffic on Sundays and Holidays now. Figures this happens before I move out there -_-

Yes I know it’s a terrible thing that happened but punishing the whole for the crimes of the one has never-I repeat, never worked. I went to a high school where this happened in an attempt to curb supposed violence (which was total BS as it was never brought up until it was convenient to do so) and guess what happened? More people got pissed off, leading to MORE confrontations.

IMO, all the actions right now are just reeking of exploitation. Think about it, the police finally have a pretense to stop those crazy street performers and The Powers That Be can finally get what they’ve wanted for what seems like ages and turn Akiba into HappyWorldLand(tm).
From FridayAce - (here)