Air TV


Stand User
Anyone else watching/downloading Air TV? It's one of the quickest fansubs I've ever seen, no sooner is it on TV in Japan than it's fansubbed!!

I can't quite work out the real gist of the story is yet, but it's about a guy named Kunisaki Yukito who is in search of "a girl in the sky", something his Mother told him about. He ends up in a very strange sleepy village full of weird girls!! He makes money with a puppet show (the show being one dog-eared plushie who he can make move with some kind of kenetic power!!). There seem to be 4 main female characters at the moment, the lead one being Misuzu, who at first I thought was going to be your typical blonde bimbo, but she's sweet, stupid and clumsy and I really like her! There's also the dreaded short blue haired girl! who has a cute dog called Potato.
The story is coming along nicely, I'm downloading ep.4 now and can't wait to watch it.

I'm sure this will appeal to anyone as it definitely isn't a girls only anime :D
I was been told about this by a guy who loved all the computer games for it. Apparently the computer games were THE highest selling in Japan, so it must be popular.
I've seen the first episode and it does have a certain something to set it apart from the boy-and-quirky-girls set; I've got the next 3 episodes lined up to watch, it'lll be nice seeing how this turns out.
I'd love to watch some of these fansubs but my computer is, how should I put this, of a feeble nature and so I'll probably kill it if I tried.

I look forward to my finances improving... :D :D :D
Air is suprisingly good, I'm currently checking it out (watched the first 4 episodes), its weird tho I dont really know where its going but its still enjoyable.
... .....and it gets weirder!!

Episode 5 was quite fascinating, I think I really love this series but I need too watch a lot more to truly decide :lol:
I just wanted to revive this thread, as Air is getting so good and all the confusion is coming together now and I think I know what it's all about now :lol:
I have just finished watching ep. 9 it was really good.

BTW I recently discovered that the game it is based on is a hentai game :shock: Have been trying to picture all those kawaii characters that way - totally mindboggling :lol:
I am both happy and frustrated i read this, as i can now hopefully look forward to watching another good anime although that of couse means downloading it....i am defiantly, defiantly going to get broadband, i wonder how quick i can get it
Charter_Mage said:
I am both happy and frustrated i read this, as i can now hopefully look forward to watching another good anime although that of couse means downloading it....i am defiantly, defiantly going to get broadband, i wonder how quick i can get it

I got my broadband stuff less than 10 days after I ordered it!
You really should get broadband if you want to download lots of stuff. I have downloaded 4 episodes of Gakuen Alice already today - that's another one I recommend at the moment :D
Miaka-chan, the Air game isn't a hentai game. It's kind of a role-playing game between the boy and girl in Air, but there's a side story as well. It certainly doesn't feature anything even remotely hentai!
Richy said:
Miaka-chan, the Air game isn't a hentai game. It's kind of a role-playing game between the boy and girl in Air, but there's a side story as well. It certainly doesn't feature anything even remotely hentai!

There must be 2 games then because there is a big discsussion about what naughty scenes have been cut out in Air! and I get the impression that the Summer part of Air where the story goes back to the ancient past, is the rudest part!

I don't see why people would be having a big discussion on the cut out scenes, if there isn't a naughty version of Air. One person seems fixated on Kanna's previous role in the game - but hey go figure :lol:
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Richy said:
"Air" was Japan's number 1 game. Would their number 1 game really be a hentai game?
It says something of the image we get of Japan through anime and the internet, but I somehow fear I wouldn't be that surprised.

There could well be two versions, one hentai and one not; I've heard they do this sometimes. Can't say I'm entirely sure why, though.
Thanks for the info, I tried downloading it again but no joy, it seems the tracker is down, and while I don't know exactly what that means I'm sure it's bad.
i have the cg art from the original air game, yes its a h game... but the art is awesome and h or non h, it doesn't matter cuz this game is awesome for its art and its story.... it looks tho as if some stuff is missing in the anime.... now does anyone know where to get that potato plushie... i can't find it T.T *sob*.... i know they made it at some point if you go to Key's(the maker of the game) website..... key has some awesome series like air, kanon, etc... .. piko...