Age and Sex

Chrono Demon said:
Well, Pokemon beats other lame shows like Excel Saga

for saying that about excel this is your fate

anyway im 16 and male [what?]

yes my avvy suggests otherwise.
adamcube said:
Sorry for the off topic: I just have to say that I love your avatar! Hurray for Lucky Star! Why is it constantly getting bashed is what I want to know...

I dont know, i loved the first ep and the OP is fantastic, must have watched it a 100 times, my avatar will prob change a few times as more eps are released though :D, already many good ones from the first ep alone

Maxon said:
20 - Male

It's actually my birthday on the 24th and I'll be getting a kilt.

*awaits onslaught of skirt jokes* :p

ya know, i've never actually worn a kilt yet which is weird..but i probably will though lol. and the skirt jokes got old ages ago >.>
Maxon said:
Yeah they're old and cliche but non-Scots seem to use them anyway, heh. I've only ever worn a kilt twice.

Kilts are the satire of gods. Can't beat going out on the town with a kilt on, fan dabby.
15 and Male...

This site is full of mature people, when do the kids come in and say " Naruto is DA BEST" or " This anime versus that Anime ".