Adventure/Journey shonen Manga's like ONE PIECE?


Stand User
Apart from One Piece & Hunter X Hunter does anyone know any other shonen manga's which have an adventure/journey vibe to them. So the story is one long journey of adventure without the series revolving around one big villain or backtracking all the time to some kind of home base as it were.

Does O-Parts Hunter (666 Satan) fit this bill?
I've only read a very small part of it--so I can't affirm that it fulfills your criteria--but Toriko really looks like it's shaping up to be something special. For me, it actually fills a bit of the gaping whole left by Hunter x Hunter's absence.

You've probably tried it, mind, but I'm loving Toriko, presently.

Edit: Remaining with the HxH theme, JoJo's Bizarre Adventure is one hell of a long journey--thought the villain is, admittedly, recurrent--but it mirrors a few of HxH's conventions. Again, it's Shounen Jump--so you're probably very familiar with it--but it's worth investigation.
Had a quick look on Toriko, it may not exactly fit the One Piece & Hunter X Hunter story I am looking for but I will certainty give it try, thanks.

Not sure about JoJo's Bizarre Adventure as it seems more of a series of mini adventures instead of one long adventure. That due the different family generations setup of the series.
Already got book 1-10 of Fairy Tail :D . The story setup of Fairy Tail is not what I am not currently looking for. As Fairytale has a hub which they always set off from and return to after every arc. Looking more for a story where its continuous journey of little back tracking and always moving forward and encounter new things.
I should have mentioned (actually, I thought I did) that 666 Satan does somewhat fit the bill. I've only read the pre-timejump stuff but it kinda is an adventure story. It's perhaps closer to Naruto than One Piece. And it's closer to Dragon Ball than Naruto. It's been forever since I last read any of it though.