eggybob said:Tachi- said:eggybob said:Tachi- said:eggybob said:It's not always bed, i found Pokemon the first movie in a pile of poundland movies.Liquid Skin said:Trust me, ive gone through the DVD isle in Poundland.
Anyway off topic (sorry), did you know poundland sells Porno DVD's. Now who's sad and desperate enough to buy £1 porn?
What kind of poundland do you have??
i swear poundland is a haven for children. to have porno in such a place....what has the world come to?
I still have the 1st pokemon movie and all my pokemon cards hidden in the bottom of my closet. im guessing in a few years they might become something of a collecters item.
Stevenage Poundland. Enough said.
i was in stevenage last weekend. luckily never went near poundland.
eggybob is there any dedicated anime/manga stores in herts?
I think the closest there is, is a comic book store in Stevenage Old town but i've never been there. Waterstones has a small selection of manga and the HMV just got rid of it's main anime section and merged it with world cinema.
Damn it, the only decent place to buy anime and manga in beds is in MK.
been thinking...does everyone who lives in east anglia and london want to meet up?