ADV Films license four new GONZO series; includes NHK


Ghost of Animes
According to a press release posted this evening by, ADV Films (US) have acquired four new GONZO anime series; the high school and fashion-focussed horror "Red Garden", dark social comedy "Welcome to the N.H.K.", war-time drama "Pumpkin Scissors" and the shonen / shojo hybrid Magikano.

Whether or not these DVD acquisitions extend to the UK remains unclear; especially since GONZO typically prefer sell their anime on a per-country basis (rarely do they give away world-exclusive rights).
I got excited when I read that Yoshitoshi ABe was somehow involved in Welcome to the N.H.K. but it turns out he only did the cover artwork for one of the novels. Saw a couple of episodes and it was ok, not something i'm really interested in looking into too much at the moment though.
I like FUNimation, they're my favourite dubbing company, they just get to the better things before anyone else, that's all, I want to have ADV hold up SOME competition at least.
I'm so happy to hear about NHK, I really enjoyed this series and I'm crossing my fingers we see a UK release so I can support it. Really sucks when you find a good show but can't even buy it on DVD. :|
Im glad to hear red garden has been picked up. I thought this show was fantastic. The attention to detail was incredible. Im really looking forward to the new ova to be released later this year.
Cool, Pumpkin Scissors was a great series and one of Gonzo's better recent efforts. Only issue I had with it was the inconclusive nature of the story, but at least its left open for more.

NHK is also a good series thanks to it's bizzare storyline which manages to be funny, disturbing and emotional all at the same time! :lol: However, the animation budget seemed to go so low it was practically underground on some eps which is a bit of an annoyance given how much I liked the story.

Kind of surprised about NHK though, some of the references to otaku culture could be pretty iscoteric to western viewers, but still good news.

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