A Wild Grimnaw Appears!!


Completely Average High School Student
Hey, thought i'd announce myself, never really used a forum until now, didn't think there was any one else like me out there :p.
About me: My name is Rikky, you can call me Rik. My hobbies are playing my bass, the world of warcraft. Add a little cannabis and some anime into the equation and thats me.
I work as a baker (can make me melon bread before anyone asks XD)
Currently i am following Mitsudomoe, finished yesterday along with sietokai yukidomo :C. also bleach , and a few others. Been otakuing since i was 9, so my list of watched anime is a bit too long to remember or write.
Nice to be here, see you in the forums ^^.
Erm, abit of everything, mainly prefer to play indie music (interpol and the strokes)but with regards to anime currently learning the latest bleach intro, but J rock is so very hard to play.
A baker from Surrey! How very homely.

Tell me of many things, Grimnaw. Flours, pastries, crusts, well-to-do clientèle — I wish to learn about all of these wonders.
Hi Grimnaw! I also just finished watching Mitsudomoe and SYD, glad that Mitsudomoe has a second season confirmed, and SYD looks likely too from the tone of the last ep.
Yo, welcome to the forums.
I only bake the bread, I dont make it - but I'm still classed as the store baker. :p You'd make Shana a very happy customer.

Enjoy and stay for the choco chipped cookies.