A question for those PS3 savvy


OK guys, here's the issue. My PS3 hard-drive is totally full, so i'm buying a new one for it, and transferring all the data over. That ain't a problem. Youtube can show me how to do that. My actual problem is weirder.

OK so, on the PS3 there are two user accounts. Mine, and my Dad's. Now, only my Dads user account has a card linked with it, so when downloading DLC we've always downloaded it on his, and it appears on my account. Now, the problem i've got is, the only DLC i've ever bothered to download (read: Buy) is for LittleBigPlanet. Now, i've heard that not all games link the DLC to the PS3, and actually link it to the User Account. Apparently, Call of Duty was a problem like this.

So basically, I was wondering, would it be worth just creating one user account on the new hard drive instead of importing the two, and replaying all the games to get the trophies back, or will we be safe to carry on with two user accounts? I really don't want to have to pay twice for DLC just so me and my dad can use it. Heck, if sharing an online profile saves money, i'll happily do that.

Thanks for the feedback guys,

I'll reply properly later....

but basically: you should import everything to the new ps3. don't worry about trophies, when you set up your existing account on the new ps3, it'll require you to start up some of your games again, load the save file, and all the trophies you previously unlocked will be updated.

as for DLC, don't worry, as you set up your existing account on the new ps3, providing you took a back up of the old ps3, you'll be sorted.

(by old ps3 i mean the HDD)

Or just connect a external harddrive you muppet.
Transfer everything, there's no reason not to.

DLC is tied to a User Account on a PS3, as long as that account doesn't get deleted all the content is accessible to any account on that PS3. But this is only a local tie-in.

On PSN each piece of DLC is registered to your PSN ID and further to up to 5 PS3s, as you've not changed the PS3 your free to download everything to your new HDD without problems if you set-up your accounts again.

It should also resync your trophies when you log in for the first time from the new HDD.
Jiindama said:
DLC is tied to a User Account on a PS3, as long as that account doesn't get deleted all the content is accessible to any account on that PS3. But this is only a local tie-in.

Ah I see. Then I should be safe. *Phew*

Thanks both :D
ive got a 320GB in mine and its done me well. only used about 150gb of it or so and i play a hell of a lot of games. but totally worth upgrading the size. had a 40gb one origonally.
Ryo Chan said:
isn't it cheaper to just buy and external hardrive and transfer it (i'm sure you can do that)

It can be.
I've got a 500Gb external harddrive plugged into my ps3 24/7, although i can't run off game saves via the external, its only benefitial as it can save pictures, movies and music. but its most important use is to store a back up of the ps3 data incase something corrupts all my save data.
Mutsumi said:
Installing a new HDD would be better for me, as the big drain on space for me is game installs.

along with the annoying *out of the blue* ps3 updates themselves ¬____¬

But thankfully by creating back ups of game data and storing it on the external, it allows me to delete the original save data (if i won't plan on playing the game again) and due to that, i've had my 60gb ps3 hovering at 11gb for ages (sure it jumps down to 8gb every so often, but i blame demo's for that)

Its managable :p
I have a ps3 question. It's a tricky one.

I have a pal region 2 bc ps3. I want to play japanese ps2 games on my ps3. I know that ps2 games are still region locked on the ps3. But japan and europe are both region 2. The only problem being the pal and ntsc incoding but that shouldn't be a problem on an hdmi cable so...

Can my pal region 2 bc ps3 play ntsc-j region 2 ps2 games?
I believe that's a no. Sony may have the PS3 games unlocked, but they left it with the PS2 ones. Of course i can't exactly try it myself, we don't have a BC PS3, so it is more or less speculation, but i would assume lockings for previous consoles still linger. Probably something to do with the data on the discs.
'BC' PS3?

Big Chunky?
Black Clump?
Bouncy Chests?
Brilliant Cleavage?


I know you mean the original 60gb PS3, but what is this 'BC' meaning?
I am upgrading my PS3 HD as we speak.

My PS3 is an original 60gb version as was sold on the first day of release, and has PS2 backwards compatibility, card slots, etc.

I have put in a Western Digital Scorpio Blue 2.5" SATA laptop HD.

I followed the guide below:
<object width="480" height="385"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/bZkgmDjAIWo?fs=1&amp;hl=en_GB"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/bZkgmDjAIWo?fs=1&amp;hl=en_GB" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385"></embed></object>

At present, data is being restored from a memory stick. I'll edit in some more when it completes, and assuming it is successful, will assist anyone else here in doing it the same way I did. :)
Ta, but I was ok. :) I bought a new screwdriver to be sure it fit perfectly so that I would not ruin the screws. 80% of data restored, ETA 9mins.

Edit: Restore complete, all looks well. Restoring trophies now, and it seems to take awhile.