A Gods entry.


Completely Average High School Student
well hello all. this is Janus, your local god of beginings and endings.

i'll be blunt and say i've been an animé fan for about 3 or 4 year now. although it's only in the last year that i've gone into a serious love of the stuff.

well i guess that covers my entry.
i'm glad to be here, i've been watching this forum now for a while. i don't join forums at the drop of a hat, i rate them and monitor them for about a month.
You know, your post got me thinking. Anime without the accent on the e or with? Well in my bored state of mind I decided to find out.

The official dictionary definition of "anime" is:


A style of animation developed in Japan, characterized by stylized colorful art, futuristic settings, violence, and sex.

Not entirely correct, but they've got the basic idea.

And "animé"?


Anim fountains, a city in the mountains of Judah (Josh. 15:50), now el-Ghuwein,
near Eshtemoh, about 10 miles south-west of Hebron.

Wow. For once the Internet answered a question properly! It is indeed without an accent. Apparentely.

Oh and welcome to AUKN by the way - your number 1 source for random pointless information! :D
indeed you are... i judge forums based on members and the threads. a month is the prefect amount of time to see the changes.
It's a rare case that i join a new forum and for that matter it's is one of only 4 forums i think look well designed. Well looking forward to getting to know you all over the next few weeks, months and years.