A few anime blu-rays - updated with le baka and Test


Za Warudo
Hey, Just looking to offload these few titles to go towards buying windows 8 (just doing a new build and I forgot the OS so please help lol)

Prices include P&P

Bleach : Hell Verse £8
Black Lagoon Part 2 £8
Rin: Daughters of Mnemosyne £8(A Locked)
Baka and Test season 1 bd/dvd limited edition £20
Re: A few anime blu-rays

Hi, pics below. Slight cosmetic damage to the outer box on the top flap and wear at the bottom as you can see in the images (it's made of crap flimsy cardboard and was like it when I got it :/)

Re: A few anime blu-rays

Kite said:
If sora doesn't want the spice and wolf, I will take it

Is it region locked at all?

Hi its region a/b.

Sora has asked me to hold it pending a PayPal issue. As the desire for cash is urgent I'll wait 48 hours and if payment isn't received I'll drop you a pm
Could you please show some pics of Rin: Daughters of Mnemosyne?
Also could you describe the condition and how much the P&P would be please