31/07/2012: New "Miscellaneous" Releases This Week


Stand User
New Releases coming out this week:

Apple Selection Artbook 2: Autumn [Artbook]
(160 Pages) (Udon Entertainment)
RRP: £29.99


Bizenghast, vol. 8 [OEL Manga]
(192 Pages) (Tokyopop)
RRP: $10.99 [Note: This title is supposed to be only available via Righstuf.com, however this title can be purchased possibly via UP1.co.uk, Currently out of Stock]


I've Seen It All, vol. 1 [Yaoi]
(200 Pages) (Digital Manga Publishing)
RRP: £9.99


Jack the Ripper: Hell Blade, vol. 1 [Manhwa]
(192 Pages) (Seven Seas)
RRP: £8.99


The Man I Picked Up [Yaoi]
(200 Pages) (Digital Manga Publishing)
RRP: £9.99


My Boyfriend is a Vampire, vol. 5-6 [Manhwa]
(320 Pages) (Seven Seas)
RRP: £11.99


Digital Manga Releases (Courtesy of JManga.com)

31/07/2012: New Releases

ONIHEI, the Devilish Breau Chief
Pages: 394
Languages: English
Current Price: 699 JManga Points


The Perfect Girlfriend Vol. 4
Pages: 166
Languages: English/Japanese
Current Price: 499 JManga Points


My Sadistic Boyfriend Vol. 2
Pages: 193
Languages: English/Japanese
Current Price: 499 JManga Points


02/08/2012: New Releases

Pages: 208
Languages: English
Current Price: 599 JManga Points


Pages: 207
Languages: English


Monochrome Factor Vol. 4
Pages: 166
Languages: English/Japanese
Current Price: 599 JManga Points


Soredemo Machi wa Mawatteiru Vol. 8
Pages: 199
Languages: English/Japanese
Current Price: 499 JManga Points

Hi, Everyone :)

-This is a first attempt at the New "Miscellaneous" Weekly Release Thread, This will mainly cover 'Non-English Translated Japanese Manga' titles which covers things such as Artbooks, Global Manga, Databooks and other things relating to manga which does not fit in with the New Manga Releases Thread in the news Section.
-This thread will also Include 'Adult' Manga Titles and titles which are not suitable to be posted on the Main Site. (E.g. Specifically 18+ Only Mature Titles)
-Also, There will be coverage of Digital Manga, which I personally feel doesn't get enough love around these parts, and I know others are interested in this too.

-The style used replicates the one in the Manga New Releases thread in the News Section, Mainly because it is nice and simple enough to follow and understand, and "If it ain't broke don't fix it".
-I have added a little tag after the title to highlight basically what type of specific title that product is and identifying why it is in this thread.
-Any Cover Images which deemed to be inappropriate will be Edited, however if editing covers up things such as Manga Titles or Publishers Logo then an Alternative Solution will be found.
-The posts will be split into two posts in this thread to Separate the Physical Books and the Digital Manga (where these notes are posted this week will be where the Digital Manga Releases will probably be posted Next Week)

-Of course as always, All dates are subject to difference, based on International and Local retailers and suppliers.

-Feedback would be great on what else may be added to this release page which may haven't been covered in this post (Providing something of that fitting has actually been released)
-Also If anyone knows anymore sources where Digital Manga is available for UK viewers, please let me know.

-Finally don't do anything silly with regards to certain titles, (No Linking to sites selling these certain 'Adult' titles and OF Course No Posting content from these either, I'm probably treading on hot water as it is just posting this here today!)

Enjoy! and Hope it may continue :)
With JManga, can you download the files once you've purchased them or do you have to read them online? I'd quite like to continue reading Soredemo, but I can't seem to find an answer to that fairly simple question on their site.
I hear you have to read them online, but I've never used the service so I'm not sure.

I'll probably look into them once they launch their iOS app in October. Simply because I like reading things on my iPad, not my laptop.
Currently on JManga the site is online-web browser based only at the moment. As Joshawott said there are apps in development for both iOS and Android which will support offline reading. (Also keep an eye out for a separate website their developing which will involve new weekly subscription content too!)

JManga really have come a long way since they begun when they were NA only and you had to be a paying subscriber just to be able to view the stuff let alone buy it. Now they have removed the big wall by giving worldwide access, and have also removed the other walls meaning you can view the stuff you bought even when your not paying subscription fees (you can even buy JManga points now without needing to be tied down to a subscription). The one big thing that still needs addressing is the offline/online thing which first of all is will be started to be addressed using apps (and hopefully with a possibility later of a Computer based offline reader).

I really do like the gradual improvement that JManga have been doing and hopefully as they continue to improve people will get behind them.

And if that isn't enough here is a free 500 point code from their if it is any use to anyone if it is still operational - GIFT CODE: ANMITSU

EDIT: Oh yeah forgot to mention, interested in picking up Soredemo 8 and the rest of the series when the iOS app launches.
They still have a fair few region locked titles which is disappointing, but I'm glad you have added them to the list as it's good to be able to see what's available. I really hope the regioning issues can be put to rest for those titles which will never come here by any other means anyway; once it has I'll finally be ready to embrace digital manga.

I Never clicked on a region-locked title til just five minutes ago XD

Yeah there are still a few region-locked titles but they definitely have picked up a lot more world rights for those titles since they pulled the full block off, and absolutely almost any new release is worldwide straight away usually.

I'm really interested in seeing which Tokyopop/Del-Ray Kodansha (the sites first) which they have picked up for release within the next few Months mainly also!
Cheers guys.

Lawrence said:
Isn't it a bit disappointing though, knowing you'll never own a hard copy of half the things you're reading on JManga?
I'm okay with that if the alternative is not owning it at all (ie. there's only a digital version available). I do at the very least want to be able to own a file which sits on my hard drive and belongs to me though. The subscription model of paying for media where you no longer have access to it if you stop paying (regardless of how much you've paid into the service or how little you might have used it) doesn't sit well with me at all. And by the sounds of it JManga are moving away from that and towards my preferred system, so that's great.
LaserShark, I just want to say "Well done". This looks just perfect in terms of your layout. Glad that it has come off so well.

From what I gather, you can order Bizenghast from outside of Right Stuf. United Publications has it listed, priced £11.
Ian Wolf said:
LaserShark, I just want to say "Well done". This looks just perfect in terms of your layout. Glad that it has come off so well.

From what I gather, you can order Bizenghast from outside of Right Stuf. United Publications has it listed, priced £11.

Good find on Bizenghast as it is the only OEL manga I kept up with I was disappointed that I might not get to finish it.
MrLaserSharkKH said:
And if that isn't enough here is a free 500 point code from their if it is any use to anyone if it is still operational - GIFT CODE: ANMITSU

Thanks for the code, bought Chitose Get You!! volume 1 to try out the site as it is my first time on there :D
-Digital Prices for 02/08/2012 added.
-PEACE MAKER Vol. 5 Digital pricing not added due to technical error at this time.
-Walkin' Butterfly Vol. 4 Digital listing removed due to licensing restrictions.
-The Morning I Met Goddess Vol. 1 Digital listing removed due to licensing restrictions.
-Bizenghast Vol. 8 Note amended.

This would actually be edited into the posts next time, Also Considering adding Digital Releases on their day of releases to save anyone the anxiety of seeing the note 'removed due to licensing restrictions' crop up every time a volume is not available.

I just want to say "Well done". This looks just perfect in terms of your layout. Glad that it has come off so well.
Excellent work on the thread, kudos.
Thanks for the positive comments guys :)
Hopefully I can actually make it look cleaner next time out though as it looks quite a bit messy and over the place at the moment.

Thanks for the code, bought Chitose Get You!! volume 1 to try out the site as it is my first time on there
Nice, I'm planning to get that sometime myself, I bought first two PoyoPoyo, with the recent codes :)

Are they going to release all of Peace Maker this time, anyone know?
I would Imagine so, I mean it is logical and possible enough, they have already published incomplete TP series past their points of incompleteness (tactics), So possibly it's just a case of waiting.
MrLaserSharkKH said:
they have already published incomplete TP series past their points of incompleteness (tactics)
I did not know this! Very cool, it's not hard to name other series that would benefit from this.
Noooo Walkin' Butterfly! The one truncated release they have that I was actually collecting in its paper form :(

Iirc, JManga now have Morita-san wa Mukuchi available for the UK right? I'll be buying that once the iOS app launches.
ilmaestro said:
MrLaserSharkKH said:
they have already published incomplete TP series past their points of incompleteness (tactics)
I did not know this! Very cool, it's not hard to name other series that would benefit from this.

Actually just realised when I clicked now PEACE MAKER and tactics are both published by Mag Garden Corporation, read into it what you will. JManga also has a bunch of Ex-Tokyopop/Del-Ray titles coming soon.

I have also Added the missing link for the Digital Releases, some relevant information I think for the releases.