2nd season of Haruhi licensed in US

chaos said:
Conan-san said:
And only the weak of mind would buy those episodes willingly.
I'm going to buy them willingly, butI haven't seen them yet. Should I give them a go before-hand?

I hear a couple people who thinks those are genious, but i hear a lot of people saying those are the worse rubbish ever made. Can't really decide on it just yet.
I should have said "Buy those episodes willlingly knowing what they were getting themselves into".

I'm on the "please go die in a fire, Kyo-Ani" Side of the debate so I might be biased.

But basicly, it was an 8 episode romp in testing the viewer's patience to it's limit.
ilmaestro said:
chaos said:
Conan-san said:
And only the weak of mind would buy those episodes willingly.
I'm going to buy them willingly, butI haven't seen them yet. Should I give them a go before-hand?
No, just ignore the boring troll and all will be fine.
[snappy response]Your mother.[/snappy response]

But seriously, chaos, know what your getting yourself into in Regards to Endless Eight before plonking cash down. It is the same episode eight times. No matter how anyone else swings it, it is the same episode eight times.

It is the White Hole episode of Red Dwarf done to the point where the funny has long since stopped being so.