24/06/2013: New Manga Releases This Week

According to the letter of most TOS agreements they could revoke your access to redownloading content at any time for any reason under the sun; I don't think regional enforcement is too much of a worry in that respect. The cognitive dissonance in worrying about breaking the law when it rewards the creators versus downloading an illegitimate version elsewhere for your own personal gratification confuses me. I'd see it as the opposite way around; if I bought something from a foreign store and had my access revoked for some nonsense reason, I'd then feel justified in making a copy without the restriction.

The notion of buying something for the sake of 'legitimacy' after the fact doesn't seem to provide very strong motivation.

I see they're all up on iTunes too, pretty neat.

ConanThe3rd said:
Who said anything about dl'ing the book?

Perhaps I misunderstood the implication of the phrase "I'd love to buy the novels for legitimacy".

Edit: If this is an issue of semantics, in a technical sense viewing an illegal translation online involves downloading too, even if it's not saved for future reference >_>;

I should have been clearer, what I wanted to say is that I want to buy the book in the format that suits me ie; on ebook though legitimate business.

I will not, however, reward region locking by buying the format I do not want (the physical book) just because that's what they want me to do.