2005 Guyver


Stand User
Has anyone else watched the first episode of The Guyver that's just been made?
I just finished watching it :D
I guess I've been put off rewatching the original (although I have seen it about 5 times!!) because the animation is a bit stinky :lol: and it could be why it's been remade. The animation quality was astounding (apart from the backgrounds, they looked like they were done by an amateur!). The CGI is pretty good too, but best of all is the character design, very clean and crisp (and Sho looks cuter than ever ^_^).

The first episode does seem almost identical to the original and even after not having watched The Guyver for about 3 years, I can still remember episode 2 and from the preview it looked like it pans out in exactly the same way.
Hah, I was going to make a topic about this shortly as well.

I've been watching it raw, so I'm up to episode 7 right now. I like how its progressing so far, although the fact its pulling punches with the violence that was present in the OAV is kind of annoying - I was dissapointed with the Enzyme fight, which seemed to lack any sort of tension the original scene had. On the other hand, It does look nice and fresh - not too sure about Sho's hair, but Mizuki looks much better, and Agito looks even more slick (if that's at all possible). I also like the way the general plot has remained the same, but with slight deviations from the original. Lisker is still kicking around, even though he died in episode 2 of the OAV. Similarily, Zerubu- Zerubili- Zerubulis (I give up, I've forgotten his name) has only just kicked the bucket. Its nice to see these characters last longer in this, as opposed to being blown away by the Mega Smashers in one round. I can't wait for the Hyper Zoanoid Team 5 to show up :lol:.

I like this quite a lot right now, and I'm hoping it will continue to improve as it goes on.
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I've seen the very first episode raw and I have to say I quite liked it, it's not quite as out and out violent as the original - the Guyver, Gregol showdown seemed a little limp compared to the original, but the animation is fantastic, it doesn't look too far removed from the original just given a fresh lick of paint. The character designs have been subject to the most thorough updating, but the Zoanoids and the Guyver himself have retained the classic look, albeit with a modern twist here and there.

I also felt that the Guyver came across that little bit more powerful in this new incarnation, the way his eyes glowed red and the little booster sounds could be heard everytime he exerted a bit of power gave him a leaner, meaner edge. Speaking of leaner and meaner, Mizuki seems a lot more vocal than before. Maybe this time she'll make for a stronger female prescence and not the doe-eyed, scream-queen she was in the original.

I'm looking forward to episode 2, which was my favourite episode of the original run and on the basis of this episode, the remake may just do it justice. I'm intrigued to hear that Lisker's still alive, Unit 2 was always my fave of the three so hopefully he'll play a bigger part in the series, rather than end up another 'monster of the week'.
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Rurouni H said:
I can't wait for the Hyper Zoanoid Team 5 to show up :lol:.

I like this quite a lot right now, and I'm hoping it will continue to improve as it goes on.

Same here :) The Guyver is such good fun to watch; I can't help but love these honest monster series... I was impressed with the animation in the first episode actually, though I won't lie, it would take a lot to destroy my enthusiasm for this show.
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Mutsumi said:
Zerebubus? Not seen the character, but I knew someone on an old forum who used the same name.

Thanks, I was struggling a bit there!

I'd discuss a bit more of the show, but I'll wait till you guys catch up with it. It'll be more fun then.

Damn, I've got this urge to rewatch the orginals now.
"Doctor! This one's still got some life left in him"
"OK, Clear!" *buzzt*

Ahem, well, we're up to the point where Sho lost his Guyver calling ability in the OAV. For anyone who is interested, much of this has been executed as it was before, right down to Fumio Fukamachi being turned into Enzyme II. However, there have been a couple of developments I'm really impressed with. The Hyper Zoaniod Team 5 has appeared after the destruction of Chronos Japan HQ and the appearence of the Lost Numbers, and damn if they aren't stronger and tougher than before. Seriously, it's been like 4 episodes since their introduction and NOT one of them has bitten the dust yet (they've barely even been damaged!). It's great!

I feel this series has so far been a lot more unforgiving with the protagonists; in the OAV we had Sho blowing Zoaniods apart left, right and center with relative ease. Here, Sho, Murakami, and even Agito are struglling with the latest batches of Zoaniods being thrown at them. Oh yeah, Murakami (or Mr "I cut Zoaniods in half WITH MY BARE HANDS")! One of my favourite characters from the OAV returns with a cooler haircut and *gasp* some back story! Even Gyou's getting some focus, I mean, he re-appears right after his apparent 'death' literally an episode later. He looks set to actually fight against the Guyver squad next episode, something we never saw in the original. Where parts of this series have been slow and somewhat lacking in exhilaration, the increased character and plot development is something that I'm really liking. Hopefully the series will continue to entertain, I've got high hopes for this as it starts to breakaway from the OAV.
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I didn't know The Guyver had been remade!

The Guyver, the original twelve part TV series, is what firmly established my interest in anime.

To be fair I think if it wasn't for the power of the rose tainted spectacles (i.e. nostalgia - not a good way to determine whether somethings good or not by the way - ask the 'Star Wars' romantics for clarification) it would otherwise be a poor, poor memory. However, a new series could cater for both.

It'll provide the same cheap thrills I got from the original series but look fresh and modern.

Though I doubt it will be for a while, what are the odds of a UK release?
It's been licensed by ADV so a UK release is highly likely. I recently watched ep 11 fansubbed and can't eait for the next ep (especially since it's finished airing in Japan :lol:)
Necromancer said:
It's been licensed by ADV so a UK release is highly likely. I recently watched ep 11 fansubbed and can't eait for the next ep (especially since it's finished airing in Japan :lol:)

Excellent. Its - you guessed it - wobbly knees time! :lol:
I went on 'You Tube' and decided to see if I could find anything on the new series and managed to see the new versions opening credit seqeunce.

Though the animation & artwork have been revamped, I was quite surprised to see - from the impression I got from it anyway - that it seemed to have the same feel as the original series.

That in itself isn't possibly a good thing from where I am, as I said before nostalgia is probably the only thing I have with it now, but hey! I'm curious if nothing else, and I hope there are peeps who get the same pleasure from it as I did with the original series. :)