10 minute preview of Batman: Gotham Knight anime online


Ghost of Animes
<object width="425" height="355"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/ocITLlWOySY&rel=1"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/ocITLlWOySY&rel=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355"></embed></object>

A ten-minute introduction/preview of Batman: Gotham Knight has been <a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ocITLlWOySY&eurl=http://www.google.com/reader/view/">posted on YouTube</a>. Much like the Animatrix, this is a six-part anthology animated by a number of world-famous Japanese animation studios, including Madhouse, Studio 4C and Production I.G., while the likes of Satoshi "Paprika, Perfect Blue" Kon <a href="http://twitchfilm.net/site/view/satoshi-kon-animating-batman/">are involved</a> in directing. It's due out in the US during the Summer of 2008 and we presume a UK DVD release won't be far behind.
Batman in anime? Now thats a concept I never saw coming :eek: I have to say alot of what I saw looked very very good. Although there were some Batman designs that didn't sit to well with me :? Wonder how this will effect anime in the mainstream world after all its hard to find anyone who has never heard of Batman so it can only improve the general understanding of anime in my opinion.
I wasn't really bothered at all by these Batman shorts, but after watching that video. Wow, It looks stunning. I don't know much about Batman and I hope that will be explained. Its quite cool how you can pick out which clips were done by Madhouse, What was done by Studio 4C and the likes. I like the new designs off Batman and everything, It gives a fresh look. As they said in the video, I think it works well with Batman whereas it would probably fail hard if it was tried with Spider-man.

By the by, How long (time-wise) is a average 'short'?
In terms of style and animation they look brilliant. If the stories can match the artwork then it should be a sure fire win. It's got Satoshi Kon involved so I guess I'm reassured.
I like how they got a bunch of Americans who had very little if not nothing to do with the creation of the anime to talk all about it.

Been waiting for this since I heard they were making them.

Some of the animation is awesome. Just wish I knew which company is doing which.

Role on the summer :D
Isn't there a Batman manga out already? It's about snuff films and stuff, it might not be manga but I'm sure it had a Japanese writer.
I'm really looking forward to seeing this. These new movies and the involvement of Satoshi Kon have finally got me interested in the Batman franchise. I just hope they don't introduce Robin any time soon...
Sy said:
I'm really looking forward to seeing this. These new movies and the involvement of Satoshi Kon have finally got me interested in the Batman franchise. I just hope they don't introduce Robin any time soon...

Maybe he'll get his own yoai series!
Quoted from Youtube:
'This video is no longer available due to a copyright claim by Warner Bros, BayTSP'

Wow, that was shortlived! Glad I checked it out when I did.
I thought they would have allowed that given as it's promotional material. It made me want to check out the full thing at least.
Its not something i ever considered would happen to be honest, batman as an anime but that preview certainly looks brilliant. I want to see how well it turns out, and how the likes of Satoshi Kon go about it
Watched the video yesterday - it looks very cool, I'm definitely looking forward to it. However, there's always this awkward feeling around collaboration between the West and Japanese animation studios for me; can't really explain it, but it was there with Afro Samurai too. It's like they're trying too hard to twist the Western stylings to fit Japanese stylings. Meh, I still enjoyed Afro Samurai and I'm sure I'll enjoy it!
It's important to remember Afro Samurai is actually Japanese and not a Japanese adaption of a western comic.

Can't wait for this though, hopefully it will air some of the shorts on tv just like the did with the Animatrix. I like the look of this as well, it looks a bit more mature than the actual film so I fully expect this to be a 15 or 18 certificate.