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  1. E

    Square Enix <3 Nintendo

    I just sold my PSP, i just got sick of playing games, that i played on my PS2 years ago.
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    Square Enix <3 Nintendo

    Is it just me or does it seem that more and more Square Enix games are appering on nintendo (just like the good old days of the snes). I'm taking mainly about Final Fantasy. In the next year or so we will see: -Final Fantasy III (DS) -Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Ring of Fates (DS)...
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    Gaming Arrival Thread

    I got Dragon Quest Heros: Rocket Slime (DS import) found it in forbidden planet. I love DragonQuest, and this one is just a bit of fun. Also found Ratchet & Clank 3 in Cash Generator for £4.99 and i perordered my Wii (Gamestation) for £20 :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D
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    Have you Preordered your Wii yet and what games do you want?

    OK, I got the price of the PS3 wrong, even at £440 its still well out of my price range. Anyway got to get the Wii for Xmas, New Zelda and a big box of Xmas chocolates what could be better. :D
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    Have you Preordered your Wii yet and what games do you want?

    Its ture if you have a good PC you dont really need a Xbox360. I cant wait for Final Fantasy XII and they say Final Fantasy XIII might be a PS3 launch title (that will never happen two FF games in one year). However i still think the PS3 cost to much, £600 with a game!!!
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    Have you Preordered your Wii yet and what games do you want?

    I hear the PS3 (£££) wont be out till march and you'll need to take out a second mortgage just to get a game with it. PS3 = £549.99 (with no games) Wii = £179.99 (with wii sports) (taken form Tell him to forget playstation and buy him and 2 of his mates a Wii. PS i have...
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    Have you Preordered your Wii yet and what games do you want?

    My local gamestation say that there only taking preorders for one week or until they have 250 orders. They said that they would know the number of units there getting in november. If its under 250 they would be phoning the people who ordered to late to offer them a refund. (please get...
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    Have you Preordered your Wii yet and what games do you want?

    I preordered mine last satureday at gamestation for £20, they said that they wil be opening at midnight on the 8th (I can't wait). i can afford 2 maybe 3 games at release, i was think of getting: * Zelda * Red steel * Rayman (maybe) and i cant wait to get my hand on: * Metorid 3 *...
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    Forgotten About Animes

    I remenber that it was support to be based on the Atari videogame of the name. Great show, but only ran for 13 episodes :(
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    Forgotten About Animes

    Am showing my age, but i remenber watching..... Speed Racer (japanese title: Mach Go Go Go). It Rocked Go Speed Racer only you can beat the mysterious Racer X :D :D
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    I first saw the Series, then got the manga hoping it would continue the story and it does :D Just finished reading volume 6 cant wait to get 7 Great read
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    Favourite anime quote?

    End Of Eva "Dam haven’t they never hear of moderationI" love that that line :twisted:
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    Full Metal Panic

    I agree with Laughing Manji, Second Raid was brilliant I hope they make a movie next.
  14. E list UK release of Naruto

    I hope uncut means that its got the original opening and ending, I really hate the American one. however £17.99 for what 13 eps thats great.
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    Laputa - ITV 1988

    I watch the 1988 showing of laputa as well, I was only 6 and its always been in the back of my mine. However when I saw it on DVD 2 years ago, I both it and all the memory came back to me. It was properly the first true anime I ever saw (that or samurai pizza cats). Thank for bring up the...